Off My Chest

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I am looking for mods!

1. The "good" part of our community means we are pro-empathy and anti-harassment. However, we don't intend to make this a "safe space" where everyone has to be a saint. Sh*t happens, and life is messy. That's why we get things off our chests.

2. Bigotry is not allowed. That includes racism, sexism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, and religiophobia. (If you want to vent about religion, that's fine; but religion is not inherently evil.)

3. Frustrated, venting, or angry posts are still welcome.

4. Posts and comments that bait, threaten, or incite harassment are not allowed.

5. If anyone offers mental, medical, or professional advice here, please remember to take it with a grain of salt. Seek out real professionals if needed.

6. Please put NSFW behind NSFW tags.

founded 1 year ago

So short background. I'm a self taught web developer who lucked into working at a friend's startup with practically no skills and only a couple basic CRUD to do style apps under my belt. I learned a lot, but never touched DSA. Did this for a couple years. Startup failed to get its last round of funding, and yep, I'm outta work.

My cousin works as a data engineer in a city a couple hundred miles north of me and wants me to get a software job so I can move up there and out of my parents place.

Most of the devs I've met from there are supportive of my journey, but emphasize I need to grind Leetcode. Only been doing that a couple weeks now.

My cousin called me and set up a call with a startup founder. I talked with him this morning and was very honest about my skills. He was also honest and said he needed somebody pretty comfortable with DSA as the application they work on is heavy utilizing ML.

He asked if I'd still like to do a Technical Interview and of course I said yes, making sure to emphasize I was probably going to perform poorly but was very thankful for the opportunity, and that I'd be treating this more as a practice mock interview. The founder was like "Well, at least you know your standing. And perhaps I can give you some pointers about how to proceed."

Super good stuff actually. I mean, obviously it'd be better if I actually was prepared, but I'll take what I can get in terms of feedback.

I'm nervous, I've never coded live and I can barely keep twosum in my head. Fuck. I'm about to waste this guy's time and will probably just look at his problem for two minutes, ask a few constraint or details questions and then just say, "Sorry...I don't even know which data structure to implement."

Anyways, I hate to be so defeatist about it, but I just know I haven't prepared enough. Oh well. Thanks for any sympathetic responses in advance.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/goodoffmychest

While working today I was listening to this video about the A3000 -

Where amongst different architectures they cover Conqueror - A third person tank shooter.

The big thing about this old tank game is anything outside your field of view is just black. It's very clear how far you can see.

A modern game will just lie to you with pretty backgrounds, but when you get closer suddenly trees, buildings, boxes will POP IN. (including tanks!)

I much prefer the engine only render what it can verify as accurate and complete, I like the circle of vision and blackness outside of that. This isn't a big problem for single player games, but for multiplayer games I think its a huge tradeoff of visual prettiness vs accurate knowledge.


Please tell me if I'm the asshole here. But holy crap. I know mod's get a bad ~~wrap~~ rap but wow do the mods seem WAY more petty and petulant here.


I really don't feel like existing anymore. I've been dealing with suicidal thoughts for years now. I used to be 50%50 on killing myself. One hand it's such a liberating thought. If I died then it will all be over and all my problems or go away but on the other hand I what if something good happens to me in the future? or what about all the other things I already enjoy?.

Sometimes I think things can get better but other times I think, how? I feel like I wasn't designed for life. Life is a game that I'm losing no matter what. A game didn't even choose to play btw. I feel beat down all I want to get myself a big box of pizza, a bunch of booze and overdose on cocaine.


I'm 34, and i feel hopeless, ive been in relationships that don't work out and i end up hurting myself, and i find it really hard to find someone who likes the same things as me, and i blame it on my socioeconomic status and my looks. I try to find somewhere to put the blame, but it's obvious that it's me.


My stutter is driving me insane. Having normal conversations with people that made 100000 times harder and more awkward. It's embarrassing as hell and I'm sick of it.

Conversations with most people I have daily are difficult because it's hard to keep people listening for that long and it's very awkward to talk to someone the first time as they expect me to have a stutter. It's so isolating. Ever since I was a kid everyone just to make fun of me for it. I wish I could talk like everyone else.

I've lost so many opportunities to my stutter just think about it. I'll never a telemarketer, (not really a lost) I'll never be a voice actor, and how many other jobs require you to speak to others?


The election, the CEO murder, etc.

And when I tried to say something about it, I get downvoted, and get replies that I am a bootlicker or something etc.

Oh yeah, also, Lemmy discussion is very one-sided and lacks nuance.

I have more things to say, but I prefer sleeping. That's all

Ambivalent ambiversion (self.goodoffmychest)
submitted 2 weeks ago by ElectroVagrant to c/goodoffmychest

Or, all too typical overthinking socializing, maybe? Unlike some other posts' OPs feeling sort of burnt out or kind of numb, which I have those days too, I'm more sort of ambivalent.

Much of the time I'm content to myself, buuut I recognize I have to put myself out there and work with others to do anything more meaningful. However, working with others is...Working with others, with all those ups and downs, and I'm torn in how to navigate all that.

Fortunately and unfortunately, almost everyone's in this situation and there's pretty much the whole of history to make it clear everyone's been making it up as they go and doing what works for them. That's not exactly the most helpful though, so I'm still left going, "what the fuck?"

I dunno what I'm expecting from this, just adding to the pile of internet posts of, "uhhhhhhhh???"

on social activities/hobbiesI'm aware some of this may be addressed by finding some social activity to get involved in and/or joining groups, but I haven't found many in my area that I think I'd like yet.

Online gaming might be an option, but I'm mixed on a lot of online games' designs anymore.


Topics of generational abuse, or intergenerational abuse, have suddenly become relevant in my life. I have a parent I barely know and was criticizing one day, and I was getting all kinds of excuses which mainly boiled down to either "appeal to authority", "appeal to psychology", or "not my problem". At one point, I ragequit the conversation after making sure I had made a statement. I contacted my sister who knew all my relatives better than I had and dropped a brief comment along the lines of "I wonder why they are like this" and she responded with a "you're not being tolerant enough, they have generational abuse, cut everyone some slack". So maybe I've been influenced the wrong way when I say intergenerational abuse as a phenomenon or a concept sounds like the biggest load of BS I've ever heard.

I'm also into learning about a lot of culty topics, and recently I watched a video about one of those televangelists you see on TV that claim you can pray your stigmatized relationship orientations away, and the video was chronicling his life and how he grew up in an environment that would always put him down for his lamentations towards many of those practices, and it mentioned he became the monster he feared growing up. Genuine question here, how DOES someone become the monster they fear? What kind of free will does someone have to lack to inherit someone's monstrosity? Even when someone says it simply, such as when they say "that's just how I was raised", that raises a huge red flag, because if you don't like how you were treated/raised, why the heck are you (even consciously) imitating it?

In general, in a world where we expect free will to be valued and where that "bad times make good people" meme still floats around, how are people so unquestioning enough of their bad experiences that they consciously use the lack of their questioning of something they never liked as an excuse to do that very thing onto others?


My dad was awesome. But he also wasn’t. It’s painful to hear words from coworkers who received things from him that he never gave me. But still, he gave me a lot. He wasn’t perfect. But neither am I. I mourn him leaving me so early. I mourn the things he never gave me and never would have given me. I needed to get this off my chest.


Most recently, as in the last few weeks videos from all sorts of creators (even today) are cropping up talking about the dead internet theory.
Most of them are defeatist and doomer filled.

Its not the slop that is ruining the internet, the slop can be easily avoided, but when respected creators talk doom and gloom that i actually follow?

Thats the ones i cant apparently escape from.

I do not give a shit why you think "the internet is doomed" or how the dead internet theory is destroying the internet, all yall are doing is contribute to the problem with not as many as they should talking about how to do anything about it, yall rather get those sweet sweet doomer clicks.

I just want them to do the shit they are creators in the first place and leave it at that.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/goodoffmychest

Sometimes I think about the person I am and think to myself, why? Why can't I just be like everyone else? I hate the person I am. Why am I so different to everyone else?

I've been thinking a lot about god recently. Buddha, Allah and Christ If there is one and why would he design me the way he did? Sometimes I feel like I was never made for this world. I have so many things wrong with me I feel like I'm broken. I have two personality disorders, an intellectual disability and speech impediments. Why would a god make me like this? I can't fit in my existence is socially unacceptable. I made a thread the other day asking the question of why NPD is so stigmatized and the comments where so hateful. They where saying I'm manipulative, dangerous and abusive just I have a mental health problem that is completely beyond my control. Non of these idiots have ever met me or know what I'm like yet were saying all these awful things about me. God knows what your average person believes. I have friends and family I love but I'm worried about how they would react if they found out. Why can't people see beyond my diagnosis and understand that I'm a person like anyone else who has problems. I'm seeing this guy. I known about him for a year now and we've been on two dates and planning on more. I love him to bits and want nothing more than to be with him. I've been researching him for a while. Finding out his interests and hobbies so I can make it work. I hope I can make an impression on him so if he does found out he can look beyond all the media hype and love me for who I am.

I just want people to like me. Why would a god give me something so stigmatized? I honestly just wish I had never been born in the first place.


I've always said I'm not afraid of dying alone. It's because I always imagine dying is the thing at the end. A future event. But we're all dying all the time. And being alone at the time of my death isn't the thing to fear it's being alone up to that time. It's being alone now. That's what dying alone is. And this realization makes me afraid.


Every holiday, at whichever house is hosting, there is nothing but a laundry list of DIY tasks and shit that my family just expects help with. I get it, helping family and all that, but I really don't want to buy a plane ticket/driving across the midwest into a different state, use my limited PTO, then what time I have installing lights, a toilet, a storm door, a TV mount, and god knows what else instead of watching movies, sports, reading books, relaxing, boardgames, etc.

There is never a thank you, never respect that my time is going into somebody else's project, not attempt to learn to do it themselves, nothing. Just another errand to run or project to install. It would be one thing if my family members weren't able-bodied or the projects couldn't be done safely solo, but that is not the case. The thank you, if there is one is when I am leaving. My time doesn't feel appreciated, my talents or skills are expected and not respected, and when I'm annoyed by a situation I'm the problem.

There are a million reasons I should be thankful for a family that cares and gets together over the holidays, but I am so incredibly over not being appreciated or respected that I am just angry and bitter instead.


I've seen "let alone" used on Lemmy a good number of times now and, at least when I noticed it, it was always used incorrectly. It's come to a point where I still feel like I'm being gaslit even after looking up examples, just because of the sheer amount of times I've seen it used outright wrong.

What I'm talking about is people switching up the first and last part. In "X, let alone Y" Y is supposed to be the more extreme case, the one that is less likely to happen, or could only happen if X also did first.

The correct usage: "That spaghetti must have been months old. I did not even open the box, let alone eat it."

How I see it used constantly: "That spaghetti must have been months old. I did not eat it, let alone open the box."

Other wrong usage: "Nobody checks out books anymore, let alone visits the library."

Why does this bug me so much? I don't know. One reason I came up with is that it's boring. The "wrong" way the excitement always ramps down with the second sentence, so why even include it?

I am prepared to be shouted down for still somehow being incorrect about this. Do your worst. At least I'll know I keep shifting between dimensions where "let alone" is always used differently or something.


Straight face only means I want to fight. Any kind of smiling is passive aggressive. Looking sad means I want to fight. And of course looking angry means I'm angry with you and specifically you and nothing else. The only way to Fix My Face is to just hide it entirely.

I really hate my ugly ass face for all other reasons, but being unable to order food in person without a cashier thinking I'm angry and willing to fight over the pettiest thing possible is the last straw.

I can't wait until I don't need to work anymore and I can just shut myself away from society and be a white vtuber or something. If I really want fast food then I'll do no contact delivery so the deliverer doesn't assume I'm angry at them for literally doing their job.

Can't even apologize for bumping into someone without them assuming I'm angry that they're in my very important way. Whoops, sorry, excuse me, doesn't matter what I said, it's passive aggressive and I want to fight.

Can't say anything is fine or okay, can't thank anyone, can't wish them a nice day, can't greet them, can't say anything without it being taken aggressively. And not saying anything at all is silent treatment, or passive aggression.

Can't thank anyone for a gift. Every holiday, I was "ungrateful" for everything. My smile was fake and the thank you was sarcastic. I hate holidays, birthdays, and gifts for that reason.

So many black women glorify this as "culture". I might as well be the only black woman who isn't petty, passive aggressive, or overly willing to fight someone. I really wish I had just died at birth since clearly something is wrong with me.

I believe in a ghost of hope (self.goodoffmychest)
submitted 1 month ago by j4k3 to c/goodoffmychest

tl;dr NP; hugs

After 10 years of physical disability I'm very cautious about hope. Misplaced, it is very dangerous in the repercussions that can follow.

A corset like support wrapped around my ribs seemed very promising. It was one of my last potential remedies for a life outside of this bedroom prison.

Two weeks ago I lifted something heavy while wearing the corset. I held the item close to my torso, like I always do. I made it halfway across the house before I felt the little odd twinge of a pain; like a sapling tree yielding the most minor of prostrations to the god of pain.

I had asked family for help carrying the thing, but asking is so very demeaning, asking twice felt ready to strip me bare. The alternative was to stop eating, or rather ruin 2 weeks worth of food prep. This situation speaks to the reality of the unimaginable twist to one's mental health in chronic circumstances; the frustration of helplessness is most damning.

Still, I tried to ignore it, to press on. I didn't and couldn't know how much that little twinge would cost me. It broadcast itself in an everpresent noise in my conscious and an infinite supply of sand, grinding through my spine when my head turns left; the rhythm section playing the torso twist. This injury seemed different than most of those that had come before. It was a few ribs higher than ribs 5 and below that were wrapped tightly at the time.

I had felt so good initially with the corset. I even told my family, "if it persists, I'll get a job at the first of the year," –fool that I am to have such hope.

Hope—that terrible precipice; the cliff of danger. Hope is blind, like the naïveté of a child running in the dark of a moonless night. The pain of that hidden precipice edge is so sharp a merciless knife.

I broke some ribs back in April of 2020. It was the best two weeks I have had since 2014; even better than the 3 days I got from a spinal injection. The relief from my ribs breaking sewed the seeds that lead to the corset. There were minor remedies that I tried, but I never broke through to the point of possible hope. When the corset idea struck, I still cautiously approached the precipice terrified of the danger of hope. A fear I learned from countless experiences of hurling myself over the edge into the unknown into that chasm. Like battling through the fog as a human cannonball, determined to find an inevitable surface, refusing to acknowledge the existence of uncrossable oceans.

The very mention of uncrossable oceans is homo sapien heresy for physical health. The heresy of empiricism. It is the second front of the battle; a flanking cavalry cutting down those that fail to cross the void and march on in life; wielding the swords of ignorant assumptions; adding the heavy load of self doubt even in the face of clear evidence.

Four weeks ago I started a project. It was the foundation of a cannon shot with hope. 'Complete it, and I would consider myself capable,' I told myself, 'escapable, to have landed on a weak and marshy shoal of some sort, but arrived on some other side.' I let myself believe in a chance, a chance that this shot is my last; the closure of a chapter; the chance to mourn 8 of 9 of my (cat) lives lost on that fateful February bicycle commute. A chance for a celebration; of remaining life potential; of connections; of love, kindness, empathy, and growth I so desperately need to give someone at the core of my meaningful existence... I could do so much, even now...

Or at least, that is a direction I still have not fired my human cannon of hope. I think the fear of hurling into that void is one I'm unlikely to overcome. Talking to people online, I am far too scared to act. It doesn't matter anyways. No one would ever want to be on this terrible prison island, home to a tribe of headhunter cannibals, eager to make a meal of any genuine person over the bonfire of Christostupidity. I fear discovering a void in this direction more than anything but maybe homelessness I fear more. I have no interest in the primitive cannibals.

I failed at my project; my hope. One of so very very many. For two weeks so far I cannot sleep more than 4-5 hours, and wake up feeling exhausted from the hellish tormenting god of pain. Taking any medication that stops me from laboring and twisting the grinding stone of spinal sand will make the problem worse. I must shut down entirely, lying in bed; watching the movie of life as nothing more than a viewer.

My failure is my professional incompetence. In this case a poorly thought out element in a CAD design.

I did an unthinkable project. I worked on my tool chain I need to use for physical therapy activity. I need to return to that routine now, to battle through this defeat.

It took two weeks for the tears of this message to coalesce; to assess the scope of the battle; to clear the fog of war; to see the shot hit the ocean. The tears of that ocean came this morning in the shower; a random moment on an unexpected day.

I write this message not for the pain of right now; not even in the mourning of hope. I must drag myself out of this void, crippled as I am. I must get back to shore and find a way back up that precipice. This is the real physical pain part. Tonight I will likely be nearly absent of mind entirely, this bike ride will hurt. It is the only empirical bootstrap I've got to get me back to that rock. I feel like there is no way I should ride; no way I could ride when I hurt like this. I know it will hurt like hell and for days. Only with a return to my daily routine will I improve with time and stop this spiral. I also must overcome the fear of the half mile near the start and end of my route. The cars; knowing one street over is where it all happened, where the pain started.

To some mysterious ghost I must believe in; my visage of hope: I still love you enough to not come and find you; to shield you from sharing my hell. I still hope for a day of escape from my prison bed island. To be the person I imagine; to be free; to love you.


Ever have one of those close conversations with some, and walk away thinking “yeh… I’m a good guy” (or whatever pronoun you choose, of course). I just had that happen. It’s a nice, reassuring feeling.


Lost a good friend on Nov 11th, I last talked to them on the Oct 27th.

I've spent about 2000 hours with this friend, over three years, so a new friendship, but a deep and recurring one. Lately our schedules have not meshed (Since about February), so I've only see them sporadically.

The first 12 hours were rough, I'm getting better now, but still misty eyed. Given the frequency of our activities there are many things that just remind me of their absence. There is the aspect of losing someone, and that sadness... but there is something more here, with a 2000 hour mental model of someone else's behavior and reactions, the brain feels a little empty now that whenever anything triggers the 'oh we did this', 'oh they would like this'.... it gets short circuited by... and they are gone now.

I've lost people before, quite a few - sadly, but it never really had this level of impact. I suppose there is a proximity / frequency factor in the impact of a loss.

Rest in Peace - General.


I really struggle to make friends and being an adult trying to make friends is even worse than when I was a kid in school.

It appeared that I had made a friend but they turned out to be kinda toxic. I made mistakes too but I never tried to hurt them or manipulate them. They've made me feel like they're embarrassed to know me. Like our friendship had to be a secret.

Now, I finally managed piss them off that they don't want to talk to me anymore. Part of me is glad but part of me feels lonely. Very lonely.

I've been in a long distance relationship for quite some time now and we are waiting for her to finish school next spring before we move in together. It's difficult for me to think that's really going to happen. She reassures me often that it will.

I should be happy with that but nothing beats seeing a friend face-to-face regularly and talking to each other.

I feel sad and lonely and selfish. I don't want to hurt myself but I do kinda wish I was dead.

A Wake Up Call (self.goodoffmychest)
submitted 1 month ago by TehBamski to c/goodoffmychest

(Cross reference all of the points here and apply them to how Donald Trump, and the people and groups that have been around him, starting from 2015 to now.)

How did Adolf Hitler rise to power in Germany?

Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany was a complex process that involved a combination of factors, including:

Economic and social unrest: After World War I, Germany was in a state of economic and social turmoil. The Treaty of Versailles imposed harsh reparations on Germany, leading to hyperinflation and widespread poverty. This created a fertile ground for extremist ideologies to take root.

Political instability: The Weimar Republic, Germany's democratic government at the time, was weak and unstable. It was plagued by political infighting and lacked strong leadership. This allowed Hitler and the Nazi Party to exploit the situation and gain power.

Hitler's charisma and propaganda: Hitler was a skilled orator and propagandist. He used his speeches and writings to spread his message of hatred and nationalism. He also used propaganda to manipulate public opinion and demonize his opponents.

Violence and intimidation: The Nazi Party used violence and intimidation to suppress dissent and consolidate its power. The SA (Sturmabteilung), the Nazi paramilitary wing, was responsible for numerous acts of violence against political opponents and Jewish people.

The Reichstag fire: In 1933, the Reichstag, the German parliament building, was set on fire. The Nazis blamed the fire on communists and used it as an excuse to crack down on political opponents and consolidate their power. In 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. Once in power, he quickly dismantled democratic institutions and established a totalitarian dictatorship. He also initiated a campaign of persecution against Jewish people, culminating in the Holocaust.

Hitler's rise to power was a result of a complex interplay of factors, including economic and social unrest, political instability, Hitler's charisma and propaganda, and the use of violence and intimidation. It is important to remember that Hitler's rise to power was not inevitable, but rather the result of a series of choices made by individuals and institutions.


submitted 1 month ago by Fondots to c/goodoffmychest

The other day I saw a post somewhere on Lemmy, it seems to have been taken down or at least I'm unable to find it again, by some dickwad asking, pretty clearly it bad faith, why people felt like they needed the day off from work or school after the election. It was full of him bitching about basically people being too soft if they couldn't handle their feelings being hurt and that sort of garbage. This was basically going to be my reply to that.

I work in 911 dispatch, that should tell you that I'm the kind of person who can handle stress well, i've dealt with some crazy shit both at work and in my personal life, I don't think anyone is going to claim I'm someone who's easily rattled.

And still, despite all of the things I've seen, done, heard, and been a part of, I have never felt as physically sick from stress as I did watching the election results coming in Tuesday night.

I was at work, and in the midst of it as it was becoming clear that Trump was going to win, right around 2AM, I got one of those really insane calls, the kind of thing that makes the evening news and that they make true crime TV shows out of, that normally leaves even a hardened tough guy like me a little bit shaken-up, and all I felt was relief because something finally came along to wrench my mind from the election.

I woke up the next day still feeling sick to my stomach. My wife woke up in tears. I spent the day feeling like I was lost in a fog, and by the next day the fog lifted giving way to a simmering rage that I'm not sure will ever go away entirely. Luckily Wednesday and Thursday were my scheduled days off this week, I genuinely don't think I could have worked Wednesday night feeling like I felt.

I'm an old boy scout, I took the scout motto of "be prepared" to heart, I believe that most people don't really rise to the occasion but instead they fall to their level of training, and all the other sayings and such about preparedness and self-reliance and all of that, and I've prepared myself so that I am rarely at a complete loss of what to say or do in any given situation, I have plenty of training and life experience to fall back on.

No one ever trains you how to watch democracy die.

Or how to handle something like ¾ of your country turning their back on your most deeply-held values either by actively voting against them or by not even caring enough to bother showing up to vote.

And nothing prepares you to look around you in a 911 dispatch center, surrounded by people that people are supposed to be able to trust to stand for justice, safety, law, order, security, fairness, equity, compassion, basic human decency, who are supposed to stand up for and provide assistance to vulnerable members of our community when they need it most, who like to pat themselves on the back for being the "calm voice in the night" or the "thin gold line"...

... And realizing that most of them either don't care or are actively rooting for a man who stands for the exact opposite of all of those values.

For the first time I can remember I feel well and truly lost. I tend to be the guy people turn to when they have a problem because I know how to fix it or I at least know how to find someone who can. I don't know how to fix this, and I certainly don't have a guy for this. I'm gonna keep on soldiering on until I figure it out or I guess I'll die trying, but I really don't know what my path forward from here is going to be. And if I need some time to figure this shit out. I certainly won't think less of anyone who needs the same.

And everyone deals with different kinds of stresses differently and more or less successfully than anyone else. Despite the crazy shit I've managed to deal with, there's other more mundane situations that some people can handle just fine that I can't hack. Put me in a regular office environment with reports, paperwork, deadlines and presentations, and I'd probably be burned out in a week. It's like the old saying about trying to judge a fish by its ability to climb trees.

It's ok to not be ok right now, honestly I think anyone who says they're ok right now is either faking it or a psychopath. Don't be afraid to ask for help, if you have it in you, try to check in on others to make sure they're doing ok and getting what they need too. The only way we're getting through this is together.

To Everyone Who Voted for Trump (self.goodoffmychest)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by aion to c/goodoffmychest

To everyone who voted for Trump and relies on social security, or ACA healthcare, or have pre-existing conditions, or has a child with special needs, or LGBT family, or undocumented friends and family, I have no sympathy for you. You got what you voted for, next time learn your candidate's policies before the election. We tried to warn you, we tried to tell you his policies were radical or even dangerous. We tried to tell you he wanted to take all those things away. We tried to tell you we would be the ones paying for his tariffs; but you wouldn't listen. He is not your friend, he does not care about you, all he wants to stay our of jail and make himself and his wealthy friends richer. The rest of us were willing to pay a little more for groceries if it meant our families would have healthcare, our friend's children with special needs could get an education, our parents could collect their hard-earned social security. Instead we will all pay a lot more for everything when tariffs are imposed and the migrants who pick our fruits and vegetables are deported.

Now your penance: call your congressmen every day for the next four years, ask them to stand-up to Trump, to block his policies that will make life harder and more expensive for everyday Americans, to block his nominations, tell them you will vote them out in the next election if they don't -- and actually vote against them when they don't. Write letters to the White House asking them not to do all the things he promised us he'd do. Write to the Supreme Court, and all the government agencies we rely on everyday asking them to resist rolling-back all the progress we've made as a country over the last century. If you don't, it won't just be the liberals paying the price, it will be your friends, your families, and even you.

Venting about Trump (self.goodoffmychest)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Brunbrun6766 to c/goodoffmychest

I'm going to start by saying I've become more of a commenter than a poster on Lemmy but, the election has gotten me fucking heated for obvious reasons.

I want to preface this by saying I don't mean this as an "all is lost" doom and gloom post, but it's the number one thing that has been on my mind in recent days reading headlines and even comments all over Lemmy regarding various ways people are attempting or planning to attempt to resist Trump.

  • "But XYZ is illegal!?" Followed usually by some citation of a law showing that Trump's plan A or B are technically against the law, be it military deployment, or firing of Federal employees etc.

Y'all, get this through your heads. They have the POTUS, the Senate, the House, the SCOTUS. It's over for "precedent". It doesn't matter what the law says. Trump can now do LITERALLY anything he wants and all the other branches will fall in line and MAKE IT legal or otherwise wave the illegality away.

  • "But this program has already been signed off on by Biden"

This means nothing. On January 6th it WILL be cancelled immediately. No program is outside the reach of Trump now. No amount of studies or research or anything will do a damn thing to stop this.

This, in my opinion, extends to Aide to Ukraine or Palestine or Taiwan. ANYTHING that has not physically left the country and already been handed to the country in question, by January 6th, will be completely within his power to drop. It does not matter if we have a treaty, or an agreement, or a contract.

  • My last vent is directed towards the far left .ml people around here.

I'm so fucking tired of your holier than thou attitudes. Some of you come into the comments on .world and other instances and act like you're part of some club that has a plan for your far left ideals and you're somehow going to be immune to all of this and you're just sitting back and watching it all burn.

Get this straight. You will be first.

In times of far right take over and violence, they don't go after the peaceful first. They go after the agitators, they go after the armed and ready agents of chaos, they go after any they deem a danger to their ideology and YOU are the biggest target. So laugh while you can but, to all of you that find this election turn out just SO funny and promoted all your Jill Stein or whatever third party bullshit. To you, a sincere Fuck. You.

I have to tune out for awhile (self.goodoffmychest)
submitted 1 month ago by j4k3 to c/goodoffmychest

The feed is too anxious and loaded for my self health with my physical disability and social needs. I'm likely impacted in life altering ways too. The only way I can mentally cope is to constrain my thoughts to only worry about the things I can change.

To anyone struggling: please heed this advice and focus on the things you can change. Also, no permanent solutions to temporary problems, if that is an issue.

Do a digital detox and disconnect from everything. Read a book. I'll be finishing Foundations Edge by Asimov as my primary stand in for Lemmy.

I totally understand everyone's emotions, the posts, and comments. I simply don't have the emotional buffer to cope without spiraling.

I'm posting, not because anyone should care if I am around, but more to say to anyone else, it is okay to do the same, maybe even healthy if you find yourself in similar challenging life circumstances. It took me a decade to both recognized where I'm at mentally and learn to act preemptively before things get out of hand. I wish all of y'all the best, better spirits, and many happy days. - your internet friend Jake

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