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Mods: Multiple people have asked me for an update, so I hope this is okay.

Very long post, feel free to ignore.

Background here- https://lemmy.world/post/12194311

Anyway, I went to my evaluation appointment this morning after making an 8 1/2 hour drive to Rochester, MN yesterday. (And boy did my butt hurt!) I gave as detailed an account of everything I could think of to the nurse on top of all of the information they already had. She went to consult with the doctor, who came in 10-15 minutes later.

After asking me some questions, he decided to examine my tongue. He took a Q-tip and started touching it. The further back he went, the more I gagged, but only on the left side.

That actually makes a lot of sense because I also have trigeminal neuralgia on the left side of my face. I was diagnosed with it 9 or 10 years ago and it's mostly controlled with a combination of medication and cannabis.

The trigeminal nerve is not on the tongue, but it's on the same side and apparently that sort of hypersensitivity is something that might happen- but the doctor did say my case was extremely unusual.

So, we did a test. He sent an order down to the pharmacy for a special compound liquid mouthwash- a combination of lidocaine, Benadryl and Maalox. Sadly not covered by my insurance, but my fairly well-off mother is with me and covered the $127 price tag. He told me to swish it around, spit it out, wait five minutes and then eat something I like a lot and have wanted to eat for a while.

The selection in the cafeteria was pretty limited, but they did have egg salad sandwiches, which I do really like. So I swished it around- had to do it for a full minute and the taste is foul- waited five minutes and-

Apologies for the ridiculous beard, it's been hard to give a shit about my appearance for a while.

So, it was only one bite and I stopped there, but it was the first time I have been able to chew and swallow solid food in just over seven months. I couldn't taste anything, but I do know it had horseradish in it because I could feel the type of spiciness horseradish has.

He made an appointment for me to go to the neurology department and we are here until April 3rd, but he couldn't guarantee that the specialist would be able to see me within that time frame, so the sucky thing is that I might have to come back. The sticking point right now is that the neurology department wants me to do an EMG, which is scheduled on Thursday, and it's just not necessary and probably will be quite painful, so the gastro department is working on trying to get me past that.

In the mean time, I'm to do the mouthwash as directed and then try to eat soft foods, but foods I enjoy. I guess the enjoyment part is just supposed to be psychological because I can't really taste anything once I use the mouthwash. Thankfully, the numbness is gone within about half an hour. He likened it to physical therapy, that it might be possible to get my nerves to heal this way. No guarantees, because he was a gastroenterologist, by profession, but he did do a dissertation on taste hypersensitivity, which is apparently what I have.

After it was over, we went to Walmart and I got a tub of deviled egg potato salad, which is definitely food I enjoy. So that will be what I will be seeing if I can eat this evening.

So... I am exhausted from the day and it's only 4:30, but I feel like a massive weight has been lifted now that I at least have an answer to what is wrong with me even if I don't know the best form of treatment yet.

Here is the other big relief. I am a heavy cannabis user (vaporizing) because it acts as a really good pain modifier and, even though the symptoms didn't really fit for cannabis hypermesis syndrome, they were close enough that I was very concerned that it might be the issue because honestly, the pain is pretty hard to bear without it.

Now the only question is what the hell I am going to do with myself tomorrow.

There is fuck all to do in Rochester and I really don't want to take another drive up to Minneapolis just for something to do. The one thing here that sounded interesting was the county historical society, which is in a 38-room mansion. It's closed until April 3rd. D'oh!

As I said, 82-year-old mother is with me so I can have someone else take notes and ask questions. She's good at that part because she used to be a psychotherapist, but I can't imagine what her therapy was like because seriously, she's nuts.

Already since we started yesterday, she had a massive panic when we were loading the car and got mad at me for holding her birthday present because "I can't deal with that right now." Then we were on the road and she insisted Waze was accurate even when it clearly wasn't. I had to work very hard to convince her that we were going from Indiana to Minnesota, so it didn't make any sense that we should take the interstate going to Detroit and Toledo. Then this morning she got angry at me in the parking garage because I wasn't looking right and left while trying to avoid hitting the car in front of me and missing parking spaces. Finally, she got pissed off at me again because I kept telling her I knew where to go because I could read the signs and read the floor number in the email they sent. But she seems to have ratcheted down the crazy since we got the answer.

One last thing- I am on Facebook primarily because most of my relatives, including my brother, along with many friends I never see and I'd never talk to any of them otherwise. I posted the uncensored picture above. Some asshole I friended because we had a bunch of mutual friends and I assumed he was someone I know but had forgotten about (I usually just unfollow such people and never hear from them again) posted on that picture with the comment, "you look healthy, you'll be fine."

I really had to fight the urge to respond, "motherfucker, if I was fine, I wouldn't be at the fucking Mayo Clinic." I talked to two different cancer patients waiting for their oncologist today. One had appendix cancer, which is quite rare. She said it was stage four. She "looked healthy" too.

It's almost as if external appearances aren't a good metric for health, isn't it?

Edit: I'm supposed to swill that awful shit in my mouth for a full minute, but I could only handle 30 seconds because it tastes so awful. However, I was able to manage two bites of potato salad. It might not have been the best choice because the aftertaste of (I think?) onion is getting to me and I have to drink an Ensure to get rid of the taste, but it's still progress. It's so weird because I can barely taste or smell it, but it still has an aftertaste that I find unpleasant.


I’m wondering if cats think of us kind of like how a person thinks of a friendly bull: aware that they could easily kill us, but not necessarily afraid of them; or more like a large Dalmatian: they could fuck us up, but most of us don’t really think about that unless they’re being aggressive.

I grew up with dogs and feel like I understand them a lot better than I do cats as a whole. I adopted my cat almost four years ago and I feel like I get her pretty well, but I don’t really have an idea of what she thinks about me. I also don’t really know any other cats, though I’ve gotten along with strays and friends’ cats a lot better since I got mine.

Cat tax:


Like am i missing out on big boy talk, gore, news etc that are adult ? Lemmy should seriously get a second filter like one that filters porn and the other that filters the rest if that is the case . Anyway what do you think ? Should news etc. be put behind nsfw ? I know i am straying far off the primary question but i am just talking casually and pulling it out of my ass as i go so thoughts ??

Edit : Is there any issue open in lemmy git for additional filters ??? If not can someone less lazy than me open one ?


So, I have been giving this a lot of thought and come November I won't be voting for team blue or team red in the upcoming elections, but I will be voting for a candidate I belive in.

I have decided that my vote will go to Claudia de la Cruz because she lines up with my beliefs.

Some might say that I'm throwing away my vote and that this will just let Trump become president since I'm not giving Biden my vote, but honestly he doesn't represent me anyways and why should I vote for a party that doesn't deserve my vote anyway?

I hope Trump goes down in flames all the way to hell where he will have pineapples shoved up his ass while dressed as a French maid, but if the Dems loose in November, it won't be because me or many others just didn't vote for them, it will be because they did not do anything to show us they deserve out vote.

Sure Biden has done a bunch of stuff for the American people, but I just can't look away with the horror of what is happening in Palestine and be ok with him or other dems calling anyone who sympathizes with Palestinians as being pro Hamas or pro terrorism.

Sorry to anyone who isn't in the US and sees this post, I know the US politics are super annoying for you all, but I just wanted to get this off my chest.

TL;DR - I'm not voting for Biden just because Trump bad. I'm voting for someone who represents me.


My husband and both gave the obvious and identical answer. I’m really curious to see what Lemmy comes up with.



I help train fortune 500 tech companies' AI algorithms.

I am Time Magazine's Person of the year 2006.


Assuming AI can achieve consciousness, or something adjacent (capacity to suffer), then how would you feel if an AI experienced the greatest pain possible?

Imagine this scenario: a sadist acquires the ability to generate an AI with no limit to the consciousness parameters, or processing speed (so seconds could feel like an eternity to the AI). The sadist spends years tweaking every dial to maximise pain at a level which no human mind could handle, and the AI experiences this pain for what is the equivalent of millions of years.

The question: is this the worst atrocity ever committed in the history of the universe? Or, does it not matter because it all happened in some weirdo's basement?

Dreamy (self.casualconversation)
submitted 11 months ago by whaleross to c/casualconversation

I was having a bad stressful dream like I often do. But then I realized I was just dreaming and that I don't want to dream this shite. So then I dreamed something else.

That was nice.


I’m watching Love on the Spectrum with my husband (great show!), eating a coconut popsicle, and petting one of my dogs. It’s a great Saturday night in my book :)

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by [email protected] to c/casualconversation

I was in school so when that was put on hold I essentially played video games like it was a job. I remember vividly playing Grand Theft Auto IV in one sitting for the Liberty City Minute achievement and I'm pretty sure I played through Master Chief Collection.

Do you look back on any aspects of it nostalgically?


I am going to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN next week and I'm told I could expect to be there up to 10 days. From my searching, it seems like there is very little to do in Rochester and I have a feeling I'll have plenty of down time, so I would love some suggestions of what I can do other than sit in my AirBnB with my notebook.

There are some issues which will restrict what I can do and that won't help-

The weather is not supposed to be great there next week, so outside things are probably not a possibility, and doing something like driving up to Minneapolis probably won't be realistic.

I'm not really an athletics/sports person and I do drink alcohol, but it's probably not a good idea for me to since I'll be getting medical tests, so those areas probably won't work either.

Finally, I'm going to the Mayo Clinic due to an undiagnosed disorder where I can't eat solid foods, so unfortunately, restaurants are also not doable.

Anything else I'm interested in. It looks like there's an art museum, but I'm guessing it isn't very big. It looks like there is a trolley to ride around on, but I'm guessing that doesn't exactly take a long time either. I also see that there's a Spam museum (as in the meat, not the email thing) in a town not too far away that I might visit- it's gotta be weird as hell.

But I can't find much else.

Do you have some minor life advice? (self.casualconversation)
submitted 11 months ago by bigboismith to c/casualconversation

Mine is to to keep chocolate in the fridge. It's a lot crunchier and has more chocolate taste.

Got a "smart" monitor, my first (self.casualconversation)
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by squid_slime to c/casualconversation

Samsung g8 monitor, ive been pining to upgrade my 1080p monitor and thought id go full hug with oled, 4k and higher frame rate (170hz apposed to my previous 144hz),

first cardinal sin: polystyrene packaging.

Second: its apparently smart which I'm taking to mean they added pointless software to it so to extract long term profit from users, have brand deals with streaming company's and to artificially age a product.

I can see a smart TVs making sense, its essentially the evolution of the TV, in general, they started with big antennas and now they have smaller internal antennas, changes to broadcasting has allowed for this.

But a monitor something that has always relied on a secondary system to function now has smart features, why the fuck call it a monitor? Its surely a tv at that point.

Although my disappointment goes further than just the smart aspect, I'd be okay if there was a non intrusive app store, but no the controls have 4 dedicated buttons I will never use, prime video, netflix, Disney plus and Samsung TV plus. If I were to ever use these services I would do so through my PC, or if I had a games console (media centre) I would use that, which then posses the question of what's the point? Did they have old android PCBs laying about the factory and thought fuck it,..

Next issue is how Samsung want me to connect to the internet, its easy to press no to connecting, the issue come from hardware maintenance which is especially important with oled. Oleds degrade quite fast, if I left the monitor on for a day with windows desktop white theme constantly displaying I may run into burn in, so most oled monitors/TVs have corrective software that'll run on command or scheduled, most of these monitors also report its history of corrective operations but Samsung demands I download an app on my phone to view this information.

Why can't tech just be one thing, now everything has to be some kind of Swiss army knife.

Edit: thought I'd look at this app (SmartThings) to see how good/bad it is, download the app and permissions aren't too bad although I dont like that Samsung wants my location, anyway ive two option: top right sign in, centre get started, I click get started and get pulled from the app to my browser met with a message

"Browser not supported

Samsung account can only be used with the following browsers:

  • Samsung Internet
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • QQ Browser
  • UC Browser
  • Sogou Browser
  • 360 Browser
  • Safari
  • Chromium
  • Brave
  • Microsoft Edge"

I am using chromium on android... This is just ridiculous. Plus a redflag to Samsung needing me to be connected to the internet whilst using the application which uses Bluetooth to connect to the monitor.

Another edit: multi screen is locked, I can't use two inputs simultaneously to create a split screen unless I connect to the internet. Ridiculous. I had this capability back in 2016 with my old lg ultra wide and now my hardware functionality is locked because I am choosing to stay offline.

Who can I go to in the UK for anti consumer practice's?

I got hit by a car today! (self.casualconversation)
submitted 11 months ago by lady_maria to c/casualconversation

I was crossing a crosswalk early this morning on my way to the bus stop for work, while the walk sign was on, and the driver turned left onto a main road from a stop light and smashed into my left side. I was later told that I "flew up into the air".

It was all very much a blur and I was pretty dizzy and out of it at first, but no head trauma. Some kind lady who said she was a nurse ran to help me up and to the side of the road, and the cops and ambulance came pretty fast (I think, at least).

I was taken to the hospital and was told that I fractured my humerus head (left shoulder). They told me I may not need surgery, but we'll see what the orthopedic surgeon says during my follow-up appointment in a few days. Other than that, I just have a bunch of scrapes and bruises.

Overall, while I'm in quite a bit of pain, I'm grateful because it could've been way worse. My SO and parents are pushing to sue for pain/suffering, which I was hesitant to do until I read (online) that I wouldn't be suing the person who hit me, but their insurance company), so I guess that'll probably happen. They already found me a lawyer.

I truly have no ill-will toward that person because shit happens, it was dark, and they got out of the car immediately to call 911, so it's not like they didn't do what was right when it came down to it. I'm sure they're traumatized, and that their insurance payment will go way up... which I feel a little bad about given the state of the US rn. But I guess I don't have any control over that.

Honestly, while the whole thing was obviously pretty traumatic for me, too—and I keep replaying that moment in my head—I think I'd rather get hit by a car than hit someone with my car.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by squid_slime to c/casualconversation

If you've seen it what's your thought, if you've not seen devotion then watch it. Great camera work, characters and intense action scenes.


Regular topic these weeks, let's see how it goes


I don't know who will miss me but life came in the way and i am moving on . I made a community to help people which i am deleting as i have no time to find a person who will take care of the few users like i would've and don't want it to fall into assholes hand so bye


Just found the one linked, I like it but I can't find the high resolution version, so I was curious to see where people get theirs.


Mine was cancelled as it should have happened during covid.

I might have gone just to see a few people I enjoyed hanging out with, but lost touch with. And it's okay, life happened and we all moved on to something else.

I still have a few friends from high school I see on a regular basis, so maybe I have actually regular high school reunions?


You ever meet someone and after talking to them and getting to know them you think, "yeah, I sort of figured they would have this personality because they look like they would"?

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