
joined 1 year ago
[–] alyth 2 points 4 hours ago

Merci beaucoup, maintenant tout est clair 🙏

[–] alyth 4 points 4 hours ago (3 children)

Merci pour ta réponse ! J'ai copié les paroles que l'artiste a mis dans la déscription du vidéo. Est-ce que tu sais pourquoi elle écrit «pu» ? Est-ce une choix stylistique ? Une erreur ?

[–] alyth 3 points 5 hours ago

Merci pour ton excellente explication !


J'ai entendu les paroles suivantes dans la chanson Dorothy's Blues par Myriam Gendron

Derrière ma fenêtre
J’ai pu l’cœur à la fête
Je r’garde les papillons
Autour de ma maison

Mais je ne comprends pas cette phrase: «J’ai pu l’cœur à la fête». Quelqu'un pourrait l'expliquer s.v.p.?

[–] alyth 1 points 10 hours ago* (last edited 10 hours ago)

Update (not sure if anyone sees this): I have a 90 minute technical interview on Monday 😳👉👈

submitted 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by alyth to c/[email protected]

I have a friend in Canada whose birthday is just around the corner. They mentioned how their kitchen knives suck. I'd like to order them a whetstone, sharpener and/or a new set of knives. Are there any shops or brands that you recommend?

I'm not in Canada, so ideally I'd buy the item online and have it delivered to my friend.

[–] alyth 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Same, I borrowed CDs from the library and totally did not copy them to the family PC

[–] alyth 1 points 1 day ago

That's one of the albums my older sister brought home too!

[–] alyth 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

MIKA - Life in Cartoon Motion
Kate Nash - Made of Bricks

Brit Pop was the shit to 10 year old me.

[–] alyth 2 points 2 days ago

Thank you for the very thorough reply! This is kind of high quality stuff you love to see on Lemmy. Your use cases seem very valid.

[–] alyth 1 points 2 days ago

Thanks for posting the link separately 🙏

[–] alyth 1 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Thanks for sharing this. I took the time to read through the documentation of the re module. Here's my review of the functions.


  • re.finditer returns an iterator over all Match objects
  • returns the first Match object or None if there are no matches.
  • r'' use raw strings for patters so you don't have to worry about backslashes
  • the optional flags argument modifies the behaviour (case insensitive, multiline)


  • re.sub replace each match in the string
  • re.split split a string by a regular expression

The Match object:

  • match.groups(0) returns the portion of text matched by the pattern
  • match.groups(1) returns the first capturing group
  • match.groups(2) returns the second capturing group, and so on

I don't understand why these exist:

  • re.match like search, but only matches at the beginning of the string. why not just use '^' or '\A' in the pattern you pass to 'search'?
  • re.fullmatch like 'search', but only if the full string matches. Why not just use '\A' and '\Z' in the pattern you pass to 'search'?
  • re.findall Returns all matches. It seems like a shitty version of 'finditer'. The function has three different return types which depend on the pattern you pattern you pass to the function. Who wants to work with that?

Warning: The first twenty seconds of the music video feature flashing content. Here is a timestamped link to the video that skips past the flashing sequence.

View the lyrics or purchase the track on Bandcamp


Image description: Top view of a carpet. Shreds of an anti-stress ball that has been ripped apart are strewn over the carpet.

aphex twin rule (
submitted 1 week ago by alyth to c/[email protected]

Image description of the meme: Two panels. First panel: Patrick from the TV show Spongebob Squarepants sits in the audience, raises his hand and asks "Is a chair an instrument?" Second panel: Squidward stands on stage. His head has been modified to be the face of Aphex Twin grinning. The face is the same as on the cover art of the album I Care Because You Do

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by alyth to c/mechanicadvice

The two parking lights in the front of my car suddenly do not light up anymore. It's a 2008 VW Passat B6 Variant.

Possible leads:

  • Fault code: Electrical fault in circuit
  • A multimeter shows that the sockets which fit the parking light do not receive any power - on both sides.

Already checked:

  • The bulbs are okay
  • The fuses are okay
  • The parking lights in the back are okay
  • All other lights are okay

Any advice? Is there anything else a layman could check before sending it to the garage?


I used to play games, but now I only think about the time I'm wasting. I used to like food, but now I only think about how many calories are in it. I'd rather watch a TV show I've seen a million times than watch anything new. I read about a book a month but the minutes before I pick up the page feel like procrastinating a shower when the hot water is busted. I did a lot of exercise this week but now I'm left wondering if it was really worth the oxygen.

It.. didn't used to be like this. I'd be happy just going to school, playing games until way too late, talking to my online friends and doing the same thing the next day. Maybe it's because back then I had graduation in mind as a long term objective. But now, the only certainty left for me is the inevitable fate of every living creature. I'm lonely. At school you're forced to meet the same 30-100 people every day, but I've never been worth going out of anyone's way. I have almost no social contacts that charge my battery rather than deplete it.

I feel like I should keep trying new things. But honestly, all that's good in my life was given to me by chance (or a deity if you believe in one). Every time I have actively tried to better things it either changed nothing or made things worse. I'm so tired.

Has anyone "been there" and turned the ship around?

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by alyth to c/news

A hiker in the Austrian Alps died when a herd of cows charged her, while her two daughters survived with injuries [...]. The woman was on a hike with her two daughters [...] and two small dogs yesterday [...] in the Salzburg region when the cow herd charged [...]. “It is still not clear what happened,” a police spokesman [said].

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by alyth to c/books

In an interview with recently deceased author Paul Auster, he says the following:

When I was 9 or 10, my grandmother gave me a six-volume collection of books by Robert Louis Stevenson, which inspired me to start writing stories that began with scintillating sentences like this one: “In the year of our Lord 1751, I found myself staggering around blindly in a raging snowstorm, trying to make my way back to my ancestral home.”

This encouraged me to browse my bookshelf and search for those scintillating first sentences. As it turns out, many of the books that I loved the most really do pack a punch before the end of their first paragraph. Here's my personal selection. Unlike Auster's example, the ones I am sharing do not immediately drop you in the middle of the action, as the number of adventure books on my bookshelf is marginal. However, I do feel they capture a lot about the protagonist and set the tone for the novel.

I would love for you to share yours.

The Brooklyn Follies by Paul Auster:

I was looking for a quiet place to die. Someone recommended Brooklyn, and so the next morning I traveled down there from Westchester to scope out the terrain.

Moon Palace by Paul Auster:

It was the summer that men first walked on the moon. I was very young back then, but I did not believe there would ever be a future.

The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger

If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, what my lousy childhood was like, and how my parents were occupied and all before they had me, and all that David Copperfield kind of crap, but I don't feel like going into it, if you want to know the truth.

The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin by David Nobbs

When Reginald Iolanthe Perrin set out for work on the Thursday morning, he had no intention of calling his mother-in-law a hippopotamus.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by alyth to c/[email protected]

A sand colored shirt with the following text printed on it: "You never know the day she has maybe that's a date with destiny and it's best to be as pretty as possible for desginy"


... and I can't even continue the chat from my phone.

Andersen's Missing Bell - Sometimes (2024) (
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by alyth to c/alternativenation

Andersen's Mising Bell is a melancholic alternative rock band based in Quebec city. Inspired by bands like Manchester Orchestra, The Hotelier, Death Cab For Cutie and Radiohead, the band defines itself by its explosiveness and vulnerability.


I won’t ever get a house
I won’t ever feel secure
I won’t ever be something more

So just give up already
You’ve got better things to do
Then listen to a lost cause

‘Cause everyone can be replace
And nobody’s special
Sometimes I would just rather

Get hit by a car
I’d feel so much better
Sometimes I would just rather
Get hit by a car
I’d feel so much better
Well, sometimes I would just rather

No I’m not worth your time
(Not worth my time)
And I hope that you leave
As soon as you can
(As you can)

And I won’t even try
(Won’t even try)
To keep you in my life
‘Cause I’m hurting you
Yeah I’m hurting you so bad
(You’re hurting me so bad)

‘Cause I never talk
(Never talk)
And I never smile
I can’t cope with my mind
(With my mind)

So I’ll go back
(Go the fuck away)
To where I belong
All alone in my queen sized bed
(Queen sized bed)

I’m not worth your time
(Not worth my time)
And I hope that you leave
As soon as you can
(As you can)

And I won’t even try
(Won’t even try)
To keep you in my life
‘Cause I’m hurting you
Yeah I’m hurting you so bad
(You’re hurting me so bad)

‘Cause I never talk
(Never talk)
And I never smile
I can’t cope with my mind
(With my mind)

So I’ll go back
(Oh please go the fuck away)
To where I belong
All alone in my queen sized bed
(Queen sized bed)

Sometimes I’d just rather
Sometimes I’d just rather

Get hit by a car
I’d feel so much better
Sometimes I would just rather
Get hit by a car
I’d feel so much better
Well, sometimes I would just rather

Get hit by a car
Get his by a car
And fly (and die)
And fly (and die)

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