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His common sense vision for public safety involves a big increase in addiction treatment programs, most of them private and some of them involuntary, meaning during incarceration. He wants indefinite apprehension of permanently brain-damaged habitual offenders now wandering the streets, on mental health grounds. That could involve invoking the notwithstanding clause in the charter of rights to bypass constitutional concerns if need be, he said.

Hospitals now cut services to meet their budget because they look at patients as a cost, he said. “We actually need to reverse that, we need to look at patients as revenue generators.”


Good explanation of why Canada is supporting Genocide in Gaza.


I watch a lot of late night shows and British current events shows (have I got news for you, the bugle podcast). Really wish there was something equivalent for Canada. I know there was “this hour has 22 minutes” and Rick Mercer but I don’t think they’re around any more.

Any other Canadian comedic current events options?


Kenney, at a 2018 gathering of his United Conservative Party, pledged a "fully staffed rapid-response war room in government to quickly and effectively rebut every lie told by the green left about our world-class energy industry."

That line worked well in a room full of pro-oil partisans who felt their province's main industry under siege. And it surely felt familiar to Kenney himself, who'd spend so many federal elections in the Conservative Party war room, pumping out attack after counter-attack against the Liberals, NDP or any other would-be threat to his own faction.

It tried to take down Big Green. It instead picked fights with Bigfoot Family.


Jagmeet Singh said Thursday he's "more convinced than ever" that some parliamentarians are "willing participants" in foreign states' efforts to interfere in Canadian politics after reading an unredacted version of a bombshell report

May said she was 'relieved' reading the report

Yves-François Blanchet said Tuesday he's inquired about getting security clearance

That would make Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre the only major party leader to refuse to obtain the necessary security clearance to read the report.


'We're stepping up for Canadians. They're stepping up for the rich,' Trudeau says of Conservatives


But holding the election on that date would also mean that up to 80 MPs — those who were first elected in the 2019 general election — would have served the six years required to qualify for a parliamentary pension, even if they don't run and win their seats in the next campaign.


"Canadians don't want to see members of Parliament putting forward legislation that personally benefits their own pensions," said MP Lisa Marie Barron, the NDP critic for democratic institutions.

Barron said when the bill reaches the committee, her party will introduce an amendment to strike the date change from the bill and return voting day to Oct. 20 — meaning MPs first elected in the 2019 general election would have to be re-elected in 2025 in order to qualify for Parliament's relatively generous retirement benefits.


Foreign affairs usually don’t play a role when it comes to voting in Canadian federal elections. But the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza is having an effect on religious voters in this country. That’s the finding of a new poll by the Angus Reid Institute that shows low support for the federal Liberal party among all religious groups, including two groups they have traditionally counted on — Muslims and Jews.

The poll, which was released in mid-May, shows

  • 41 per cent of Muslims support the NDP, 31 per cent support the Liberals and 15 per cent support the Conservatives. By contrast, in a 2016 Environics Institute poll, 65 per cent of Muslims reported voting for the Liberals in the 2015 election, 10 per cent voted for the NDP and just two per cent supported the Conservatives.
  • Jewish support for Liberals is also low, with 42 per cent supporting the Conservatives compared to 33 per cent for the Liberals. Liberals have traditionally performed well in federal ridings with significant Jewish populations, the Angus Reid article notes.
  • forty-five per cent of Roman Catholics prefer the Conservatives, 24 per cent the Liberals and 16 per cent are for the NDP.
  • Among mainline Protestants, 58 per cent are for the Conservatives, 25 per cent for the Liberals and 11 per cent are NDP.
  • Seventy-nine per cent of evangelicals would vote Conservative, five per cent for the Liberals and 14 per cent NDP. -Fifty-three per cent of Hindus would vote Conservative, 22 per cent support the Liberals and 18 per cent the NDP.
  • For Sikhs, 54 per cent are Conservative, 21 per cent Liberal and 20 per cent NDP.

This legislative triad would grant the government sweeping new powers to censor and censure, undermining privacy rights.


Seriously it really grinds my gears that the Canadian government thinks that 16 years olds are mature and intelligent enough to drive a car, work a full-time job, pay taxes, apply for a passport, and are able to live independently on their own without a parent or guardian if they want to and get married with parent consent.

But when it comes to voting the Canadian thinks 16 year olds are not mature and intelligent enough to vote. Its completely ridiculous in my opinion.


I got an email from Leadnow recently and they used this phrase about Poilievre "flipping a kill switch" on the constitution. I usually trust their emails, but this is one of those instances where I wanted to double check this one. I copy pasted the phrase into a search engine and came across this video.

I wanted to ask: What are your thoughts on the notwithstanding clause? How should it be used exactly? How shouldn't it be used? Should it be used/exist at all?

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