If drinking less isn't actually your priority at the moment, it shouldnt be the focus of your therapy sessions. And if your therapist doesn't follow your lead, then you should get a different one.
If you find opening up and admitting shit in therapy hard, then make that your new focus in sessions. As someone who's seen my fair share of therapists, most of them are very thankful if you start with "I almost didn't come to therapy, because I kinda don't belive it works" (but maybe it's also that I feel hopeless about changing my life in general) or "I often lie in therapy because I want you to like me" (does that pattern appear in other parts of your life?)
Start with first obstacle, not the biggest or even the most harmful. Then you can work on those things first, rather than waste time, money and frustration pretending to be doing something else.
One one level, obviously you can never experience everything, the world is fricking massive and ever-changing. But you can feel like you've seen and done everything that interests you, and find it hard to remain curious and develop new interests. There have been times that I think the only interests and goals that will ever feel relevant to me are ones that I've had since I was a kid. But even "eating yummy food, playing games and reading fantasy books" is more than enough to fill my entire life.
When I've been lucky enough to have the time, I've filled many hours, day after day, cooking delicious meals and trying new things in the kitchen, and the list of things I want to try expands just as fast as I tick them off. Similarly, although I've read countless fantasy novels over the decades I've only just got round to reading classics like Conan and Elric, and there's so much more out there - and people write more books every year!
But there are times when I can't face new challenges, and I retreat to the easy comfort of things I know. This can be reassuring and restful, but if I get to the stage where I'm sick of watching the same show I've seen so many times, then I know it's time for me to start pushing myself to try new things and develop new tastes (even if it's just subvarieties of things I already like). And if I don't feel up to that, it means I need to get some support and help to improve my mood and clear my thinking.