Cool. Thanks.
There’s an illustration! Did you see the illustration???
We need some brave souls to start murdering billionaires. Then tell them all they need to start giving away their riches or die. It’s that simple. That’s THE ONLY measure that will change things.
There’s nothing conspiracy theory about this. This is common sense and 100% accurate. And it’s not exactly capitalism to blame, but unrestrained capitalism. It’s a fairly good system but needs limits, which it doesn’t currently have.
As Churchill said, “Capitalism is the worst system, except for all the others.” - paraphrasing.
All hale the algorithm.
(Yes, that was intentional).
Wow! Who saw that coming??!
Raises hand
News headline! deetedeeetedeeet I still have never used it and have no intention to. Deeteteeeeeet.
lol crash-wise! Love it.
"Vis-à-vis smoldering wreckage, 'n whatnot."
"When all is said and done, with respect to maiming and killing, et al."
OK I hear ya. I think like anything, a low-quality, low-effort, low-cost product will appeal to a certain demographic, and there will be no shortage of bottom-feeders who will peddle it for a buck.
I don’t understand the odd jump to teenagers on Deviantart. You sound like you have an axe to grind.
I don’t know why you attribute to the deviantart community the status of teenagers, and I also don’t know why you think that there aren’t talented and seasoned artists all over the world making beautiful expressions in a diverse spectrum of media.
Are you bitter about something? I don’t like AI art whatsoever and I don’t think it deserves to be called art. It’s sewage. I also think that individuals who like that crap distinguish themselves as unsophisticated and dumb. I think most people with taste feel this way. So what’s got you worried?
Wow this is actually happening? The country really seems more and more all the time like we are going to end up two separate nations. The U.S.A. and Gilead.
Also, yeah, these fossils have less than no tech knowledge to think anything can get in the way of porn when someone wants it. What a fucking joke. These are our political representatives hard at work. Probably actually HARD at work. The dumbest sampling of humanity.
I usually sell them or if they’re not desirable I either use as a pocket computer (I do tons of stuff) or give away to someone who wants to learn.
I’m not a developer so making my own build is not happening.