Sounds like you might have prejudged his story without actually reading it?
Won't eat 'em: way too carbie.
I just got this error--but was able to post the photo if I did so via
First show I ever hate-watched!
I get grief about being a pessimist (primarily from, yes, optimists), but both pessimism and optimism are strategies for coping with life's uncertainties. One works better for some, the other works better for others.
Two or three. I often wish my lazy neighbors would ask to borrow one when they stuff large, unflattened boxes into their recycling barrels. #BurnAFuckingCalorie
Would not have thought to check again this early. Thanks for the news!
I didn't love it even more than you.
After waiting a month to see it in the true-IMAX theater that Nolan used for projection tests (tix were sold-out that far in advance, unless you wanted to sit in the first 2 rows)--I ended up walking out around the 90 minute mark.
Other than ego, I cannot for the life of me figure out why Nolan felt he had to shoot a movie that is a lot of close-ups of actors talking indoors in full, 15-perf, 70mm IMAX.
Bottom line is that I was just incredibly bored and emotionally uninvolved in anything that was happening. I'm quite familiar with post-war, McCarthy-era witch hunts, so there was no drama there for me.
I enjoyed The Prestige and The Dark Knight--but Nolan just doesn't impress me as a director any more.
More than one of you have recommended wired Google earbuds--but I don't see them in the Google Store--just bluetooth ones. What am I missing, here?
And to second what some other's have said, I got a USB-C to 3.5mm adapter w/DAC that I use with an old reliable pair of wired earbuds, here.
This is precisely the problem, yes. As a mod in my one sub, this is most often the only time I had to intervene -- when the tone of the conversation got rude, insulting, disrespectful. I would always think to myself, "Is that how you'd talk to that guy in person??". Mind boggling, indeed.
God, yes, the "slow roll". There are two dozen empty spaces at the far end, but you're going to hold up traffic waiting for me to unload my cart...
Thanks for the lengthy reply.
Not sure what the phrase "...the big cultures around consent..." means. Can you elaborate?