Hitler had a history of gastric troubles. Also 100% vegan diet - more beans, more the better. And a bucketful of weird medicine prescribed by his quack doctor. Also methamphetamine. So much meth.
So there was nothing silent about Hitler's farts, is all I'm saying.
Also fart jokes were socially acceptable, so nobody else was silent about it either.
Might as well share my weirdest proto social media thing.
(I'm in Finland. This happened in the afternoon.)
I was leaving work. I distinctly remember a coworker being alarmed about news.
I turned to the usual news source. Slashdot. Massive bloody thread about airplanes hitting the World Trade Center.
OK, that's pretty bad.
I finally turn to TV news. ...OK, stuff is far more in flames than I expected. I think I caught one of the towers collapsing in live TV.
But the following days, my primary news source about 9/11 was, actually, IRC! There was a channel on Freenode where a bot posted headlines about 9/11 investigations. Because the actual news websites were bloody dead under the massive traffic.