I like ranked ballots more. Just a bunch of easy binary decisions of which candidate I like more. With the other ones, I feel like I'm betraying my favourite if I rank or approve of anyone else equally.
Not all hashes are for security. They're called perceptual hashes
Probably a case of definitional drift of the word, because it probably should be just for the security kind.
Perceptual hashes, I think they're called
It's like photography. Photography + photoshop for some workflows. There's a low barrier to entry.
Would you say the same thing to someone proud of how their tracing came out?
misis + sippi
mister + sippi
They really need to be lower stakes. Year-end exams just cover too much material for failure to be no big deal. Should be that failing a test requires a few days of review to catch up on the parts you didn't know, and then you're good.
The homework tho. It was the homework that hurt.
Taking part in a genocide does taint it a tad
Immigration helps with healthcare though. We get working, tax paying adults, and skip the expensive child phase.
Messing with immigration numbers would throw off other systems too. Makes way more sense to just directly fix the problem of not enough housing. It's not like cutting immigration would do anything to reverse the problem anyway. Housing looks like it's just an excuse to blame immigrants, because somehow the solution always seems to be blaming immigrants.
Oh shit. Big fan of his channel, so this sounds good. I'm just thrown off by the link between a YouTube person and real life.
Not saying it would be a good idea, but would be funny if he live-streamed all the politics, and the red tape he is undoubtedly going to run into.
I though pharmacare was one of those things that paid for itself with the single point of negotiation and reduced need for emergency care? I don't really remember the numbers...