Update: it's good! I think I went a little heavy on the lemon, it's overpowering things slightly. Interesting flavor profile. It's not something I'm used to but I'm really enjoying it!
Hey, I have those ingredients! I will report back.
I sent them an angry email when I bought my first house. I had purchased a physical copy of a game because I was waiting for my Internet to get turned on. I wasn't able to play because it required an internet connection to complete the registration. I was so mad. I told them I would never buy another thing from Valve. That turned out to be the lie of the century. I was super wrong and Valve has been a company you can be proud of for decades. I often think about what a jackass I was for sending that email.
I hear you. I was getting way too worked up about it as well. I've reduced my phone time as best I can, got some physical activity in, and tried to focus on some hobbies. It has really been helping but it took a couple days to take effect. I'm sure that you have or will be voting. Just do your part and then try to occupy yourself with other things.
For C++ I found the clangd plugin to be the secret. Just install that and get your build to output a compile_commands.json in your build folder. That is easy to do with cmake but most other setups can do it too. The plugin will find that after a clean build. Then it will magically index your whole project.
I can confirm for you that I-81 is only 65 but you can drive 75 without having to worry about getting pulled over.
Ha! I immediately got the urge to go clear some radio towers in FC3 as I scrolled by.
This is the kind of useless bullshit I plan to do when I retire! I'm looking forward to it.
I think Gabe has been getting healthy lately. Last picture I saw of him he was looking like he lost a lot of weight. Maybe repost this in 10 years and then we can panic.
I had one. I really liked it but there were a couple of major downsides I remember. If you had to reboot it, it took many minutes to come back up. It also had the build quality of a sand castle. My wife and I both went through multiple devices in the couple of years we had them. It was my first smart phone.
Ha, I'm a December baby.
I couldn't get myself to finish 2016 but I really loved Eternal. I'm on the fence about this one though. I'll probably just wait till it's cheap down the line. No big rush.