
joined 1 year ago
[–] themeatbridge 2 points 3 hours ago

Are we expecting these customers to knowthe difference? I'm over here formulating a business plan, so let me know please.

[–] themeatbridge 4 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

There's the NPVIC which would cut the electoral college out of the process entirely.

[–] themeatbridge 3 points 7 hours ago (3 children)

But how would they know the difference?

[–] themeatbridge 2 points 8 hours ago

Same reason all the characters are fit and beautiful.

[–] themeatbridge 2 points 8 hours ago

Who is still giving out subsidized plans?

[–] themeatbridge 4 points 8 hours ago

A majority of voters don't watch the debates. A majority of Trump voters know he's a liar and love that about him. The reality of the situation is that we need to convince everyone else to go vote for Biden. Ignore the talking points coming from the right and the propaganda machine. Both men have been president, and only one of them has been impeached and convicted of crimes related to it. That should be the only thing we hear from the Biden campaign between now and the election. Biden is not a convicted felon.

[–] themeatbridge 4 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

Donny said a lot of dumb things. His numbers don't go down. His followers are devoted to him, and we have to beat them because they are horrible people.

[–] themeatbridge 7 points 8 hours ago

None of this makes any sense. Are you going for absurd?

[–] themeatbridge 2 points 8 hours ago

The four people you mentioned would all make great candidates in a primary, and I would enjoy watching them debate.

But there isn't time for that. You can't just throw together a slapdash presidential campaign overnight, and you aren't going to get the DNC to agree to a coronation for anyone but Harris. The primaries are already mostly over, and Biden is the only viable candidate in the field. If you think the Democrats are going to pluck your favorite candidate from relative obscurity and nominate them, you're as delusional as the guy who goes to football games thinking he'll be pulled from the stands to play quarterback because coach saw him throwing the ball with his buddies in the parking lot.

[–] themeatbridge 5 points 8 hours ago

There isn't another candidate. Nobody else can build a coalition of volunteers in 50 states between now and election day.

The logical name is Harris, but she's less popular among progressives than Biden, and she needs progressives to balance the racists and misogynists who will never vote for her.

But if Biden steps aside for literally anyone else, it will be a floor fight for the nomination. Harris has been carrying water for four years, and will want a shot at the big chair.

The time for Biden to step aside was two years ago. He should have given President Harris a chance to establish herself as a legitimate identity before she takes on Trump. Then, if she lost in the primary to a better candidate because she was a deeply unpopular president, she would have nobody to blame but herself.

It's too late now. We are stuck with Biden. We cannot change horses after the race has begun. This isn't Cars 3. Biden needs whatever mythical drugs Trump thinks they give him to go appear to be energetic and competent for the remainder of the campaign.

[–] themeatbridge 8 points 16 hours ago (5 children)

I mean, I get nosebleeds some times. Am I throwing away profits?


Look, we're obviously not the best team. We have significant flaws, and Embiid cannot carry this team by himself.

But how can you not be hyped after watching Batum raining threes and Tobias on the bench? Embiid took his time getting it together, but he got it done when it mattered.

We can beat the Knicks. We can beat anybody if we play our best.

Maybe we don't. Maybe we lose again and everybody starts thinking about next year.

But we are still in this. The Philadelphia 76ers still have a chance to show the world what they can do as a team. So let's get hyped and enjoy the ride!


I heard someone say this in a video recipe, followed by way more cheese than you should eat at once. It occurred to me that the phrase means ample, not nutritious.


Basically title. I'm curious how others are watch the game. I cut cable a long time ago, and have Hulu live for this season, but it's just awful. Their app sucks, the unskippable ads are all over the place, and tonight it started recording at 4:30.

So what is everyone else using?


Has this ever happened to you? There's a fly in the house, buzzing around you, so you go to the cabinet to get the swatter. But as soon as you start wielding it, the little bastard disappears. You set it down, and now he's back, taunting you.

Ok so obviously flies don't taunt, but do they have the capacity to recognize, even instinctually, that I'm holding a deadly weapon?

submitted 11 months ago by themeatbridge to c/sixers

Anybody else want to see all five on the court together and just have them make a giant wall around the paint? No? Alright, me neither then.

So what the fuck is Morey doing?

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