Same for me, except it was wandering around my grandmothers office building on the weekends.
Shit, Taggart. I thought he looked to damn skinny in axel f. Damn cancer.
Sounds like the law is working as intended. Destroy young lives.
It would have been suuuper easy to just add for violent crimes 17 year olds can be charged as an adult.
Fuck that piece of shit senator.
I saw this game a while back and was impressed. But I wanted it in VR.
And now it's finally getting it! Im so damn excited.
Guillotines. Lots and lots of guillotines.
Honestly to me Walz looked so exasperated/disappointed that he was dealing with such a dumbass and his followers.
..."Sorry some of y'all don't have it yet."
Freedom or tolerance?
Im lucky in that what allergies I have dont stick around.
When spring hits and theres a ton of pollen in the air I feel like I have a cold for about a month. Runny sneezy nose. And a scratchy throat.
When I'm not around dogs or cats for a while my eyes get irritated and I get itchy. Once Im around them for a couple days it goes away.
I will also get random skin irritation (red and itchy) when eating random junk food I havent had in a while.
Most of the time its candy that triggers it as I dont eat it alot, but it will happen with popcorn too.
The company said "we didn't threaten to fire anyone" but I guarantee its heavily implied.
His actions led to more then the death of 18 crew members.
The borg were off doing their own thing. And only doing sneaky raids occasionally.
Q's meddling led to them getting a hard on for starfleet and as a result caused at least hundreds of thousands of deaths.
Would it have happened eventually - yes, but Starfleet may have been more prepared and been able to prevent some of the deaths/assimilation.
While not a "working" dog, emotional support animals are protected by law for housing.
Even with a "no pets" policy, they cannot reject/evict someone with a legit therapy animal.
You cant bring your emotional support animal into a business. Only working dogs allowed.