Trudeau should have Canadians lob eggs over the border. Really give trump the finger lol.
I just make sure the fan isnt blowing directly at my face. Keeps eye issues at bay.
Only a small subset of folks want to live in a condo.
Also its a fucking condo.
Going on about 20 years of bad times for me.
I was bored too. It's the type of episode that should be binged with a couple of other episodes.
They'll just have it figured out privately. They've got their fingers in everything now.
Their goal is to get the masses sick and not themselves. All to further their agenda of becoming dictator-kings.
The people who curry favor will get access to medical care the masses won't.
Holy shit, 10 years! I really hate how time flies as we get older :(
They won't. They will still get the proper shots.
It's right in line with their all for me none for thee cult.
Shame. I had fun watching it.
I wonder if they did a reshoot/rewrite for the conclusion?
The designs for some of the things really don't make sense for what the origin turned out to be.
Could be a matter of energy. Perhaps it takes time for a ghost to reform it's spirit.