Somehow I think Chevy is doing fine...
The eating issue is less evolution and more societal.
Society is the one who says we should eat 3 meals a day, not evolution.
Evolution would rather we ate more often throughout the day.
Think of it like a gas tank. Currently people fill it up and wait for it to get empty before filling up again.
When the reality is its better to always keep a half a tank for emergencies.
I'd argue we should be 'grazing' more. Not just accept feeling bad.
I think we eat too much in one sitting. It should be spread out more.
Every couple hours we should be adding energy to our reserves not waiting 6+ hours.
Thats great, but can we do high fructose corn syrup next? That shit is just evil on multiple levels.
I hate those verifications. I view it like drm in software - it's more of a hindrence for the user than it is for the bad actor.
For me it just got worse and worse until i had to drop it around the time the main group took on some cartel by themselves and won.
It pretty much turned into a completely different show. It started off as a grounded police fantasy and turned into a cheesey power fantasy.
Right - but thats a whole other can of worms.
There is no quick fix or Simple solution.
Its not like its just one small system that is broken - we have multiple broken systems that need to be torn down and rebuilt because the rot is in the bones.
I wanna boop that cute little nose.
I can already hear the cheesy dialogue.
Reduce needs to be the focus of manufacturers.
Even if we - the end user, reduce our usage enough that manufacturers 'take note' and provide us non plastic versions they will still use so much plastic behind the scenes that it wouldn't make much of a difference.
Some of them it was for sure a preexisting condidtion. But how many homeless people developed addictions and assorted health problems because of homelessness?
A HELL of a lot more.
If they had had a home that they wouldn't lose to bullshit to begin with...
But if you mount it as a foregrip you double your firepower and control.