I don't have historical data for the initial time period where I was trying to use this "normally" / using the default mode. However, here's a screen shot of last month's usage. Two adults in the house.
I have this exact model, and I wish I didn't. It turns out there's a flaw in the logic that controls the heating elements. When in "Energy Saver" mode (the default mode), the lower heating element won't heat the water. So when you start to use the hot water, as the hot water goes out, the replacement cold water coming in isn't getting heated at the bottom. This drops the temperature of the existing hot water in the tank, and it takes several hours of no hot water use for the tank to get to your desired temp. For my family it means we get about 1 1/2 showers (showers last about 7 or 8 minutes) before the water starts coming out lukewarm. You can see this happening on your unit by activating the diagnostic mode on the panel and watching the lower element water temp.
I went several rounds with Rheem's customer support (including have two separate techs come to my house to inspect it) before someone finally acknowledged in writing that there's a known defect in the logic of the controller board. They tagged my unit as defective, but so far have not been able to replace it since they haven't engineered a fix and started producing a new version of the water heater with said fix.
My advice, stay away from Rheem hybrid water heaters for a while until they get it sorted out. Also, pro tip: Keep it on the "High Demand" mode so that it's always using electricity + heat pump to heat the water. That gives you the most aggressive heating profile and does not contain the flaw where the lower heater element won't activate. This was the advice their engineer gave me, and it's allowed us to have hot water for more than a shower or two.
Because the people creating these mandates don't have to suffer them. They come and go as they please, and they don't work in the ~~pit~~ open office space. They have real offices with furniture, walls, and doors that shut.
That's... not how bills work. Someone has to pay for the electricity, internet traffic / connectivity, and rent / mortgage for the server to exist somewhere. That's true whether it's self-hosted in someone's basement or in a data center somewhere.
LJ, first thanks for doing this and bringing us here. You're a big reason for the spike in lemmy traffic recently and it's very promising.
I just wanted to add my $0.02 that the pricing to remove ads seems prohibitively high. I think you could encourage more lost redditors and former reddit Sync users to try this out ad-free with a very low price point. Give it some sort of marketing hype term like "Founder's Premium": a one-time payment of $8 gets you sync for Lemmy with no ads, forever. Available to early adopters until Sept 1st.
Maybe add higher priced tiers for those who have the cash and want to essentially donate / thank the author, and give them bells and whistles like fancy custom name and flair styles to show off.
Lemmy is new and unknown to a lot of folks. Sync feels like coming back to sit in your favorite comfy chair, but in a strange and foreign house. So people are going to be wary. Asking them to either subscribe or pay a huge one time premium is going to discourage folks at a critical time where they should be encouraged instead.
Totally agreed. Encourage more lost redditors and former reddit Sync users with a very low price point. Give it some sort of marketing hype term like "Founder's Premium", a one-time payment of $8 gets you sync for Lemmy with no ads, forever. Available to early adopters until Sept 1st.
Maybe add higher priced tiers for those who have the cash and want to essentially donate / thank the author.
Lemmy is already strange and unknown to a lot of folks. Sync feels like coming back to sit in your old favorite comfy chair, but in a totally new house that feels very foreign. So people are going to be wary. Asking them to either subscribe or pay a huge one time premium is going to discourage folks at a critical time where they should be encouraged instead.
Technically correct is the best ki... Wait where am I?