Sounds more and more like Nazi Germany.
There's no way trump can depart that many people, and unlikely that the other countries will want them back, so they will end up in camps.
Sounds more and more like Nazi Germany.
There's no way trump can depart that many people, and unlikely that the other countries will want them back, so they will end up in camps.
Yeah, I believe he mentioned that play in this book. In Road to Unfreedom book he also mentions how LGBT basically took place of Jews. It tries to frame itself as it is for traditional Christian values, in reality it is just fascism that tries to use religion. Fascism needs an enemy, and this one is easy to attack.
Prof. Timothy Snyder's books "On Tyranny" and "On Freedom" provide some ideas. The first one might be more relevant now that trump won, but second one talks about how oligarchs are stealing wealth from us and how they now use technology for their advantage including social media.
There are also interviews on YouTube with him.
Edit: apparently he also has a substack:
I highly recommend On Freedom book but Timothy Snyder, it basically talks how the wealth is being stolen from us and now with help of modern technology like social media.
That sum is close to the 44 billion spent on Twitter, could that somehow be the payment for it via inflating Tesla stock price?
Sure, but it's that wrong to asking for something? The studio can always ignore such request.
Many games welcome mods, because those can increase interest in the game or provide new ideas.
Ciekawa analiza, ale razy słyszałem, że bsky jest zdecentralizowany ale nie miałem pojęcia jak. Ale wygląda, że z punktu widzenia użytkownika to nie ma zbytnio znaczenia, bo kontrola jest nadal centralna.
To samo obserwuję i to nie tylko Facebook.
It's not just wearables, I was using oximeter and heat rate monitor and when asking, doctor just dismissed it. Apparently consumer grade devices don't really have any certifications that they have to share to, so to my doctor or was just a nose that can't be used for diagnostics.
So given that those devices don't have proper verification to be used for diagnostics, why are they being pushed on us? If doctors are not interested, why social media comments are?
I think under the excuse that it can detect something early the reason is more sinister. Imagine what additional extra information they can get off they see for example that your heart rate increases when viewing a polarizing subject, that's quite additional wealth of information about of you that can easily help find what issues you care about and then use that in the future.
It is disinformation warfare. We can argue this and that should be done, but it is unlikely it would make much difference. Many people who voted for trump had believed Harris positions that were opposite from reality. People get their news from social media which is easily manipulated.
Ironically social media are no longer social, they are full of bots and AI generated content that is used to manipulate our views.
I doubt it. We are continue to underestimate information warfare. Look at Romania. A guy sympathetic to Russia who no one heard about few months ago won the first round.
The same techniques were used this election and previous one in US and Europe and we still ignoring it.
The reason we don't have a single payer healthcare is because certain party blocks it. If we did, it would actually save us tons of money.