
joined 1 year ago
[–] takeda 2 points 1 day ago (1 children)
[–] takeda 7 points 3 days ago

Thanks, the article was accessible for me so I thought it would be also for others.

[–] takeda 36 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (5 children)

Not really https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/01/technology/kaspersky-lab-antivirus.html

Very creative how Kaspersky used SEO to hide this story. When searching you have to exclude all of their sites to find it.

[–] takeda 28 points 3 days ago

To be fair, he provided instructions.

[–] takeda 4 points 5 days ago (2 children)

We should never have allowed a pardon before a conviction. What Ford did for Nixon created all kinds of paradoxes.

[–] takeda 6 points 5 days ago

We messed up when we allowed Ford's pardon of Nixon before he was convicted. We should only allow pardons after the person was convicted. That created all kinds of paradoxes:

  • creating a blanket pardon "from any crime that we don't know yet about"
  • possible pocket pardon, where a president could pardon themselves secretly
  • hiring thugs on president benefit and giving pardon right before leaving office. They know they can do anything and will receive a blanket pardon. If president had to wait for conviction then there was no guarantee he would be there to pardon them. So it would make whole escapade more risky
  • total immunity which trump is arguing about would be even less likely if there was no blanket and pocket pardon and he had to wait until being convicted before being able to be pardoned
[–] takeda 3 points 5 days ago

He was going to face a trial and likely prison, but trump pardoned him and the rest.

[–] takeda 2 points 5 days ago

BuT wHo? It Is A mYsTeRy...

[–] takeda 1 points 5 days ago

If it wasn't working, OP would have 20 minutes to smoke his cigarette, but if it was, he would get his bus immediately.

[–] takeda 17 points 5 days ago (1 children)

I would say it has more to do with the size of a pool of candidates. If an Amazon warehouse employee is not happy Amazon can fire them and get another one. If an investment banker is not happy the company will accommodate them.

As a software engineer though, while I'm not paid as an investment banker I still feel like I'm paid well, I think my job would be better if it was unionized.

[–] takeda 15 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Well, you should have lit up your cigarette 20 minutes earlier.

[–] takeda 14 points 1 week ago (3 children)

For writing an application GPL is fine if you don't want anyone to profit from your work and if they make changes, contribute back.

Things are a little bit more complex if you are writing a library or code that is meant to be included in another application.

If you use GPL you might get rejected even by other open source applications, as GPL might be understandable as it will change license off the application or be outright incompatible.

This was the case with cursor library after author changed license everyone stopped using it: https://github.com/GijsTimmers/cursor/commit/885156333ac9ca335a587b1dd08964074313f026

The most ironic thing is that he created package from stack overflow answer:


The original author never said they are releasing copyright or are making it public domain.


So I ran Power Delete Suite as I periodically do. I have it configured to edit a comment and then delete it. It deletes comments that are older than 1 week old.

What was unusual was that within minutes I got the red envelope. And looking at it there was a response to a comment that I wrote 2 years ago.

So first thing is that as many were saying Reddit undeletes comments. I initially ignored that I saw some comments that I thought were deleted, but I assume it was because subreddits were locked and that's why they were invisible to Power Delete Suite, but this was on r/programming which was unlocked for quite some time (not sure if it ever was locked).

Second thing is the response within minutes.

So my 2 year old comment still exists and it's not showing up on my profile. I wouldn't even know about it is not for that response.

Of course this could be a coincidence, the account that responded to me is 9 years old, the content of it seems normal, although I saw comments on r/ChatGPT.

Though the timing bugs me off. If the comment is not from a real person maybe when Reddit restored it the AI code thought it was a new comment and responded to it.

Another thing that contributes to my suspicion of chatbots being deployed is that I noticed since the API protest and after they unlocked subreddits is that I get more upvotes and more responses than I used to.

Anyone observed something similar?

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