Goddamn. If there's ever a class action suit where the witnesses get leaked, we might see the first case of corporate serial killing...
Can we then finally have corporal punishment for corporations plz? Corporal corporate punishment.
Goddamn. If there's ever a class action suit where the witnesses get leaked, we might see the first case of corporate serial killing...
Can we then finally have corporal punishment for corporations plz? Corporal corporate punishment.
Jesus was a Jew named Joshua who was against money lending in the temple.
That's the historically accurate Jesus though, and not the M16 wielding anti-Semite white Jesus, who's look seems to say "WTF IS A KILOMETER!!!!" as eagles swoop on high.
You know, fake Jesus.
"Cuba is such a shit hole."
Consistently has some of the best doctors. Also, healthcare workers from Kenya? Some of the best in the world.
I propose the "Colonization Remembrance Group" and the "Colonization Remembrance Act". Just replace all mentions of holocaust denial with colonization denial, and all mentions of anti-semitism with pro-colonizer.
The AM band is the strongest of the two. Some countries however have made AM illegal to use in consumer vehicles, because it is used by military and state.
They're just looking for justice, and maybe a little nosh.
How long until it turns into a Satanist? Considering he's supposed to be all moral, I can't help but think that at some point it does an A/B and reaches the correct conclusion.
In some cases, that's still not possible for m, although my personal laptop that I use daily runs Fedora Atomic.
But I also recently reinstalled another laptop with Windows 11, promptly stripped the whole thing of all kinds of apps and services, installed a bunch of audio software, libraries, etc, to prepare a machine to be show worthy.
When the day comes and Ableton ports Live to Linux proper is when I will forego a bulk of my VST's, but running it under wine for real-time purposes is not reliable at all - so eh. There's Bigwig, but I got like years of Max patches that I just can't live without, and I don't need just a DAW. In fact, if you ask me to leave Live, I'll tell you to fly a kite.
Same issue it's always been, unfortunately, that vendors do not support the Linux desktop. Go bother the vendors about platform supoort. I do, frequently. In fact, time for another ticket - and this one is going to be political.
Thanks for the reminder.
Publicize it. As a matter of fact, make a libre open source equivalent that anyone can install and use.
Seize the means of electoral analysis.
It's kind of sick and twisted. When compared to actual functioning reformist prison systems, look no further than Norway.
During the 60s and 70s, it was the wardens that brought about the reform, because they didn't like the way the prisoners were being treated. Several persons per room, one toilet per 6 people, etc. It was inhumane and it was the actual prison wardens who organised to fix the issue.
Now, many years later, the Norwegian prison system is one of the most effective prison systems in the world, with a low return rate. People who suffer from mental health issues and who break the law would be treated well in Norwegian prisons, leading to a much higher chance of reform and them becoming fully employed tax payers, so it sort of pays for itself over time.
In 2016 US police visited Norway and said "you should have a system more like ours", and despite Norwegian police being somewhat their own boys club, a resound "hell to the no" resonated across the Norwegian landscape.
Do you want MS-13? Because penal colonies/western goulags is how you get MS-13.
South Africa suffers from massive distribution issues, and I'm talking about money here. Apartheid was a part of creating an oligarchy that has central ownership of resources.
What they should be demanding instead is to nationalise these resources as a sovereign wealth fund, maybe even copy-paste what Norway did to their fund, and also how they regulated all forms of manufacturing to require certification and diplomas, with strict punishment for executives who break the law.
Reperations would be nice, but it won't even come close to solving the massive poverty issue, which is intrinsically tied to the centralisation of ownership.
South Africans will never see the light ay the end of the tunnel if they don't see this. It just means that they'll become like US states when African economic growth reaches sustainable levels around 2050.
But should people suffer and wait all that time, only to see little to nothing from that development, except modern buildings and not starving in the streets?
Reperations are temporary and ephemeral. Political-economic reform is a must.
But, reperations in the now? Absolutely. See South African poverty, and realise why both are needed, like right now right now.