Just call me a rolled kebab, because I've been foiled again.
"in the 5th month of the new presidency, planes and helicopters were crashing like it was part of the schedule. But do not worry, for the administration had set up a lifeguard station, where the lifeguards would attend up and point at every crash while yelling out «DEI» and all was well".
They have the merit of being really good at glue sniffing I'll have you know.
It's a face eating extravaganza - for the leopards that is.
You're Barry from the pub.
Simple as
...yes, that's what I said. But sign them locally. Do not put your private key on Protons service. Sign and distribute pub keys locally.
Probably should have clarified.
Also, paid IMAP/SMTP makes Proton a freemium service. Thought I should just underline that.
Why is this downvoted? This is 100% correct.
No, I wasn't referring to her. FFS. Like I understand why you would say that, because him considering his own suffering is just too selfish to be taken into consideration when asking why he did it, and us considering it as a part of his decision making process or that laws and systemic issues line this shit up like bowling pins? Noo! That's not allowed when considering motive... he's just EVIL which is a scientific term and influenced by SATAN because he DIDNT VOTE REPUBLICAN and probably LIVED AMONGST IMMIGRANTS /s
Like seriously, Americans are fucking stupid sometimes.
Bro... I just listed the reasons... like if you don't want to understand human nature, human psychology, sociology or why systemic issues are apart of creating the conditions that would allow this to happen, then that's your dumbass problem.
Like seriously. Read a fucking book - and not the Abrahamic ones. Those rot your brain.
Once more, and I'll probably be dogpiled this time as well, but democrats are neo-liberals and republicans are (traditionally) classical liberals. "Conservative" is short hand for "socially conservative liberal".
Liberalism is a right wing ideology, designed by political philosophers and gamed by yee olde barons and aristocrats of yesteryear to give us this soft-imperialistic oligarchy that has been built on the backs of labour in the west, as well as the wage slavery in the east.
Case in point, the Tories in the UK are also liberals, whose Brexit campaign solely wanted to prevent immigration - although getting rid of EU fiscal regulations was probably the real reason.
Make America Russia Again.