Don’t they each win like ten cents or something?
I’m glad to see the Yankees lose, I hate them the most. It’s a shame that it was to the Dodgers, who I hate the second most.
Literally any other combination of teams from this year’s playoff field would’ve been one I would be happy to watch. Especially if we’d had Cleveland from the AL (longest title drought in the AL playoffs) and either San Diego or Milwaukee from the NL (never won a WS).
I can’t even take joy from Ohtani winning a WS, because of who he won with.
Instead we got the two teams with the most arrogant and entitled fanbases in the sport, so I’ve been watching Schitt’s Creek instead.
They must have been playing cookie clicker to come up with a fine that big
Lol I didn’t realize that the pankakke version wasn’t the original.
I got into crafting writs because I was looking for easy reliable sources of gold. With the craft bag and a bunch of characters, it was a pretty steady source of income. I started doing trait research to improve my chances of dropping master writs. 18/20 of my characters are full 9 trait researchers. The other 2 are 7 or 8 traits. I don’t remember for sure, since my last login was back in April.
I did a lot of crafted gear for my characters.
I never really got into housing, yet I still spent untold millions of gold buying furnishing plans for my main crafter to learn. I would occasionally craft stuff on request for guildmates. Someone would link a plan in guild chat, ask if anyone knew the plan, and I would sometimes be able to swap to my crafter and help out.
I’m getting over a cold. My nose is raw from how many times I’ve had to blow it. Even name brand tissue feels like sandpaper after several dozen uses. My kidneys probably hate me for drinking cough syrup at the minimum safe interval for a few days on end. The smell of a cough drop is now off-putting.
Late to the discussion, and I’m not sure how much this is worth from someone who is on his own break from the game, but my favorite non-combat activities included:
- daily crafting writs on 20 toons (probably part of why I’m burned out)
- cashing in a fat stack of master writs
- trait research
- collecting mat surveys, for a small number of surveys (if surveys weren’t account bound, or if you could collect multiple surveys at once, I’d be willing to start crafting writs again)
- using market tools to locate a furnishing plan I wanted, or a piece of gear I needed to finish out a set in the sticker book
Beth Gibbons has one of my favorite singing voices ever.
I hate the Dodgers, but I hate the Yankees even more. It’s a pity they can’t both lose.
It’s a tongue in cheek way of referring to neurodivergence. The same way that someone might refer to neurotypical as neurobland.
Not having any signs or traits of being neurospicy
What are the odds of Nebraska Spiderman tweaking his costume to use the same shade of red as NU?