Bottom rack retail workers distributing replica weaponry is hardly a good basis for a system of government
Half grandfathered in from a period when UK was a commonwealth, and ANZAC were not technically independent.
ISO-3166-1 has a lot of "countries" that aren't actually independent - but useful to have codes for because they are geographically distinct.
ccTLDs are based on the ISO two letter country codes - it's deferring the responsibility for cleaning up the British mess to ISO
GW are notorious for demanding creative veto. Not because they want to interfere but to maintain continuity.
So even if the quality goes, it won't ruin the canon.
Nope. They already have .mu
Once the treaty is signed, the .io cctld will phase out over 5 years.
Unless ICANN get greedy and grant an exemption.
Jokes on you - they were sugar free.
Enjoy turning your guts inside out for the next day
Is this based purely on UTC offsets?
Are there polygons available for the tz database?
Even if this were true, it wouldn't matter that much. Because Orks are psychic, if enough of them believe that the Lost Primarchs are Mork and Gork then they become Mork and Gork for all intents and purposes.
Unless a Primarch is now suddenly psychically strong enough to resist being transmuted by the collective psychic pressure of all Orks across the entire galaxy.
Tell that to the strawberries I bought and left on the counter instead of putting in the fridge
Is this Syria?
He was the ringleader of an illegal anti-poaching agreement between tech companies that kept worker salaries down.
He's the root cause of much of what is broken with modern tech hiring. Bill gates is responsible for the other half (trick questions, etc)