
joined 2 years ago
[–] soloner 14 points 2 days ago (1 children)

My guess is a lot of convergence to a smaller set of known game engines. Godot, unreal, unity, plus a few others and some in-house like valves source.

I could be wrong but I presume in the past almost every game was made with its own custom engine. Now a lot of them have the "unreal engine" look.

But I'm not complaining. Looks great to me and leads to better performance and fewer bugs in the long run. Of course there are some caveats

[–] soloner -4 points 1 week ago (3 children)

In your mind everyone who owns a Tesla is a Nazi? Or a conservative? So therefore you have the right to damage their property? And also this will prevent the country from falling into fascism?

Idiotic logic. Like so beyond idiotic I'm almost speechless.

[–] soloner -1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Turns out someone can be an idiot for owning a truck. And someone can also be an idiot for vandalizing it. These aren't mutually exclusive concepts.

I'm a staunch elon hater Tesla hater and especially cyber truck hater. But to stoop so low as to vandalize someone's vehicle and celebrate that? Disappointing for real. I expected better from Lemmy.

[–] soloner 2 points 1 week ago

Imagine spending money to own a physical copy of something you could pirate for free.

Imagine owning a physical library of movies, 90% of which are one time watches anyway.


[–] soloner 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I do this for every kind of beverage, have a favorite exclusive of each of these:

  • beer glass

  • water bottle

  • coffee mug

  • whiskey glass

  • wine glass

It's nice just using and cleaning one for each of these instead of having glasses clutter the sink from every time I get thirsty and need a drink.

[–] soloner 2 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)
[–] soloner 1 points 1 month ago
[–] soloner -1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

VS code w/ vim extension. That's the answer.

[–] soloner 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Op should send that back in reply lmao

With dad crossed out.: "I'll take ~~dads~~ sirs who die alone in retirement homes for 3000, Alex"

[–] soloner 3 points 1 month ago

I never eat until like 5 then I get a snack at 11 before bed. Do it!

[–] soloner 9 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Which state has the free health care?

Vibe rule (

I do like large gatherings, but I don't really do well meeting people and making friends in them. I find it too chaotic and difficult to "be myself" with so many people. I also feel there tends to be more shallow conversation in these settings making it great for banter and social energy but less great for connecting and getting to know new folks.

I am looking to meet new people to be friends, as in capital F friend, not just a random person I know. Someone who wants to hit me up and go do something fun, check in on me and see how I'm doing, etc.

How do you go about meeting people and finding social settings that foster deeper connections?

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