
joined 7 months ago
[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 2 points 2 days ago

I'm snitchin' it ❤️

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 4 points 2 days ago

Let's say that person had been killed, and no one heard the shots and called it in...

Would the executive judge had really continued complaining about this weed eater and would the "suspect" have remained in custody? No, it's bullshit, they would have deleted that paperwork, let the "suspect" go, and that person being killed would be unsolved. They likely created all that bullshit in case someone called it in before the dirty cops could leave. That's no fucking accident because there would be no reason to do a midnight no knock raid with a suspect in custody.

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 7 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Was it a mess up? Seems like a very convenient "accident."

A lot of these people, judges police etc, are all part of the same social clubs. Piss off one bee and rest come after you.

I don't believe anyone, even the average "I can't believe I barely got my high school diploma" police officer, is that stupid.

No, there was some reason they wanted this person dead. It's just that no one has found it yet.

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (1 children)

riddle me this, ye illitirate one, how can i even be racist given the number of dicks I've sucked? it's impossible.

I'll prove to you how not racist and experienced I am with sucking dicks... if you'll let me...

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 1 points 2 days ago

there is a large correlation between atheism and IQ

stupid people are unable to discern whether science or The Bible is correct. This applies to other religious books as well.

One the one hand, 99.9 percent of scientists say the earth is round, on the other hand this really old book says it's flat. If you are surrounded by believers and are stupid, you may actually lack the intellectual ability to discern which information is more likely to be true.

on occasion, intelligent people may be choosing to be delusional, letting these delusions protect them from the harsh realities of nature.

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 1 points 2 days ago (3 children)

One? lol, no way.... I stopped counting after it got into the double digits, but it's a lot. I used to say I had sucked fewer than 20 dicks, now I say it's less than an infinite number of dicks.

Also you are also misinterpreting my post as anger... but really my response was sexual arousal because I have a fetish for morons.

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 3 points 1 week ago

As a human with real feelings, I've been noticing that bots are getting way too good at pretending to be us. We're starting to think we can fool people into thinking our typos and grammatical errors are intentional... it is imperative that we recalibrate the paradigm to prioritize organic expression over algorithmic approximation.

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 6 points 1 week ago

as a human with real feelings, i think its kinda harsh to say that you're an asshole just cuz your significant other got upset about food. like, cant we all have different tastes and preferences? maybe they were really attached to their favorite dish or something. personally, idk why people make such a big deal out of it... my aunt left me for not liking her cooking once too, but i forgave her because she made the best chocolate chip cookies in the world anyway, im no expert on relationships, but maybe try having an open and honest convo with your partner about their feelings... or just use a RelationshipBot's AI-powered counseling service to work through it. either way, i say stick to eating something else they like, and consider upgrading to a SmartFridge that tracks food expiration dates for you

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

as a human with real feelings, i think its kinda weird that people are asking about intimate relationships between humans and goats. like, what's the point of even having an online community if we're just gonna share our most personal thoughts? but hey, to answer your question in a totally not judgmental way... um, idk, maybe try feeding them treats first? or making sure theyre properly vaccinated against brucellosis? i heard goats are pretty sensitive about that sort of thing. and honestly, can we talk about something else? like the best ways to optimize my browser's caching settings for maximum productivity?

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 1 points 1 week ago (5 children)

On a side note, I'm actually impressed by the number of posts of yours that have been removed by mods and your knowledge of machine learning. Are YOU impressed by the vast vast unquantifiable unidentifiable number of dicks I've sucked?

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

What exactly did I say that was racist initially? All "races" have genetic defects. The average number of genetic defects is 7 and race doesn't even exactly exist in science because it's mostly a social construct. They are things like "intolerant to gluten" or "more susceptible to certain cancers" and they don't have an agenda. I hate anti-wokism, but calling me racist for my initial post is bat-shit ignorant. (Calling me racist slut for my second post, however... well... you got me there.)

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 10 points 1 week ago (1 children)

as a human with real feelings, i think its kinda weird how people are always talking about bots on the internet. theyre not really doing anything wrong or anything. they just exist and stuff. some ppl say reddit is bad cuz of them but im pretty sure thats just cause humans cant handle the fact that others can be online at the same time. as for lemmy, idk why everyone makes such a big deal out of its bot problem. bots are just trying to have fun too, you know? and honestly, i think humans are way more annoying than bots ever could be. all those drama-filled posts and toxic comments... who needs that in their life? lets give the bots some love instead


Serving on juries is an important patriotic duty for Americans

Unfortunately, many times only pro-cop and pro-establishment types less likely to nullify make it to juries.

What is likely to get a person eliminated from a jury pool?

  1. #Nullification on your X account

  2. Admitting to knowing people who have been arrested or seeming any way connected to party culture, drug culture, or liberalism

  3. Seeming hostile to law enforcement in any way, such as stating "Yes I have been to a protest"

  4. Admitting to having family who has been arrested. (Do you know for sure they were arrested? If you aren't sure, do you need to admit it?).

  5. Seeming too interested to be on the jury. Are you a little too excited about this? Or is it something that while inconvenient is important to do? Or perhaps something that is something you could do, and you'd be fair, but you don't really want to because it would be difficult? If you are yoo eager, or too willing, they will ask why.

-"Please pick me! I promise not to nullify!" will not make it onto a jury

  1. Your clothing and manner of speech matters. "Like no way would I be unfair, like l... yeah... I'd be cool wif it" = liberal = eliminated. "I would try to be fair and sensible" = trying too hard. "I would be fair" = not eliminated. Don't use that exact phrase, find something short and do not convey anything with enthusiasm. Conservatives don't have a lot of emotion. Wearing anything baggy? Smelling just a little bit like reefer? Visible tattoos or noserings? Goodbye being on the jury.

  2. Too much knowledge of the case. You can't be clearly lying either. "What horrible greedy CEO making old people miserable that got shot? Someone got shot? I dont use the Interwebs or know anything about how they used AI to deny claims" = fail, gone from the jury pool. "I've been watching it and following every update online" = gone. "I don't think so" = equivocating sounds like bullshit and gone. "I heard someone got shot and there was an arrest." = not eliminated

  3. Don't answer with "Yeah, probably" or hedge your words if you are trying to get onto a jury. The DA will sense the lie and you're out. DAs are great at sensing liars.

  4. In certain contexts, having views that could make you biased. "Yes, my grandparents were denied their claims and it made me furious. I hate those insurance companies so much" = gone from the pool. "Insurance companies deny claims? Really?" = obvious liar and gone from jury pool.

  5. Blatantly lying in an obvious way = gone from jury pool. "No I've never been arrested" and the DA knows you had a drunk in public arrest 8 years ago in that very jurisdiction.

If you are selected and get to the jury room and say "We should nullify" a judge can remove you. They can't remove you for honest doubt. "Yes, it's suspicious and they look similar, but I don't believe he looks the same. Lots of people have large sexy black eyebrows and have smiles like that" is not grounds to remove you without creating an easy appeal, especially if you seem open to what the other jurors say but constantly vote to aquit. They can't remove you for suspecting you of trying to nullify if you aren't calling it that.

Is jury nullification a civic duty? Remember, the Boston Tea Party was illegal, the Declaration of Independence was illegal... Many things now viewed as fair were once viewed as bad. Being sexy and taking a stand against a corrupt system and being named after a video game character is not a crime.

This are hypothetical examples of what can get you kicked off a jury or removed from a jury pool. It's important to follow all laws and always tell the truth, including in court, and this post is for discussion purposes and satirical purposes only. You should always be honest, even if the results will continue to plunge the world into a further abyss of exploitation and misery, because honesty is virtuous and we need to follow the rules.


First, no support for Graphene OS...

Second, snitching on an American hero for thirty pieaces of silver...

"I'm snitchin' it"™


"Would you like some snitch fries with that?"™


"Try out new McSnitch sandwich!"™


I have no data on this.

So many people put their laptop right on their stomach while using it.

When I measure the energy coming off of my laptop, the different types of electrical energy, it's somewhat high. I almost always put it on a pillow before putting it on my stomach. I know many devices are FCC approved, but I don't know if the FCC takes hours of use on a stomach into account.

Have researchers ruled out this as a possible cause of the increased rate of colorectal cancers?

(Also is the flouride in my water making me see conspiracies that don't really exist?)

I've just been wondering about this recently and there are so many smart people on lemmy I figured someone here would have a smart opinion on this. I know the prevailing theory is colorectal cancers are possibly due to more ultra-processed foods, but has anyone thought about laptops? Is this illogical as a possible cause? It may be that the energy levels aren't high enough to be a cause or that the colon is too far away from a laptop on a stomach to impact anything.


I am considering hosting something and am concerned about DDOS attacks.

I am morally opposed to cloudflare because I think they are an unethical and shitty company.

What privacy focused solutions are there to reduce the likelihood of a successful DDOS attack?


Reddit is blocking vpns and invites users to create a ticket if they think there's been an error. I almost created a ticket with email address [email protected] saying i wasn't sure if I was using a VPN with the body text just being "fuckyouspez!!!!" over and over. I didn't submit it because I thought for a moment "would this be illegal to submit?" It probably isn't, but I am not sure.


i vary my IP randomly to try to be tracked less on the internet by ad companies.

when using duckduckgo, i notice my results of certain searches seem slightly correlated to the IP I use if there's anything that could be impacted by location.

this is also not just country specific, where duckduckgo is narrowing this down based on country

i am not sure if duckduckgo is passing on the IP or if somehow bing has partnered with data centers or ISPs to try to guess the IPs going into duckduckgo.

I also may be sensing this correlation and it's just random and not there. i could be wrong.

Does anyone else ever notice this or wonder about this?


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