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[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 2 points 4 days ago

it's a very sexy and aerodynamic experience

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux -1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

when treated with ideals of respect and tolerance, religious people still adhere to the tenants of their religions leading to bigotry and stupidity

being tolerant of the religious is like being tolerant of a pack of rabid hyenas. I suppose it's the kind thing to do to the rabid hyenas, but it may not be the best option for those who are not rabid hyenas

the religious burned scientists at the stake. i think having skepticism towards the rational ability of religious scientists is not bigotry when religious irrationality has been shown to have broad and constant historical validity

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

they do this when they have nothing to say AND lack power

if this religious person had power and knew who I was and where I was, and there was a government of like-minded religious dullards, they would be more than willing to light the first twig

It's only "oh you poor thing" because my logic has over-whelmed their feeble religious brain like a tidal wave subsuming the shore and they are falling back on delusions of "i hope this person receives mercy.,.. because they are so EVIL!!!!!!!!!!! and the sky god knows all!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

it's meaningless blather that tells you nothing of the true destructive power of religious idiots

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 1 points 4 days ago

it's the first


Reddit is blocking vpns and invites users to create a ticket if they think there's been an error. I almost created a ticket with email address [email protected] saying i wasn't sure if I was using a VPN with the body text just being "fuckyouspez!!!!" over and over. I didn't submit it because I thought for a moment "would this be illegal to submit?" It probably isn't, but I am not sure.

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 12 points 4 days ago

and let reason one day remove your cognitive short-comings and bestow you with hate for the injustice minorities have had to suffer at the hands of the religious

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 4 points 4 days ago (2 children)

i hate to say it, but this is a really good response

it's true that a lot of these right-wing religious people are awful people. i just wish that we lived in a better world in which people would never vote for idiots like this and there would be financial protection for people as they aged and became less intelligent, but not incapable of managing all aspects of their lives

ask yourself this: if a random person mike lindell's age offered 5 million dollars if someone could prove the earth isn't flat, would someone ever be allowed to collect that in court?

but perhaps i am living in a fantasy world by seeing these people as less pernicious than they are, and your point is taken that he is part of a white-nationalist movement that is scary and evil, and perhaps i should be glad when anything slows it down or stops it from spreading instead of nit-picking over the logistics of such. i do think religion and racism are both a sort of cognitive infection that afflict the stupid, and it's not entirely their fault for being stupid and susceptible to infection. as much as i hate racism and right-wing people, this really feels exploitative to me, even if Mike Lindell is infected

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 10 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (10 children)

The yellow badge was part of a racist ideology based on eugenics pseudoscience.

This is not race or ethnicity based or part of a political movement. However, if you are a conservative Christian who believes that a virgin gave birth, that Sunday bread has supernatural properties, and listen to the Pope and religious sermons on a regular basis, then YES, IT DOES AFFECT YOUR FETAL PAIN STUDY when you clearly are trying to outlaw abortion because your religion wants that.

My wanting to know the religious bias of someone believing in illogical fairy tale bullshit is not the equivalent of Nazism, who would have put someone like me to death many times over. I don't want bullshit to taint science. It's an understandable request. The atheists of the world have been dealing with religious bullshit for so long, it's fair to want real data.

If we had the religious bias of scientists clearly known, it would be illuminating in many ways, including scientific equivalency which has become the new moral equivalency.

Right now you have "one the one hand, these 90 scientists believe we are all going to die from global warming but these 10 scientists think this is a normal trend"

I would MUCH rather have "on the one hand, these 90 scientists who believe the world is governed by math think we are all going to die from global warming, and these 10 catholic scientists who think a virgin got pregnant and gave birth without sexual fertilization and that jesus will always protect the planet think this is a normal trend"

this is not a ridiculous or fascist position and religious bullshit has infected climate science, and studying psychology, and led to justifications for racism and homophobia and OFTEN results in scientific conclusions that conveniently seem to at first line up with religion... until more and more data eventually proves it to be bullshit. This is not about discrimination. I want bullshit out of the data set.

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 2 points 4 days ago (16 children)

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition defines fascist as an advocate or adherent of fascism, A reactionary or dictatorial person, An adherent of fascism or similar right-wing authoritarian views.

I'm not saying right now we need to put all religious people to death, I am just tired of their lies infecting science. The idea that the delusional morons who believe their deities float on clouds and their virgins give birth are capable of objective science is preposterous. If such "miracles" exist, then the universe doesn't follow laws of math. Yes, if we are living in a simulated reality that can be hacked then such miracles could happen, but unless a religious scientist is practicing Kali, I don't want their religion polluting data with bullshit.

[–] secretlyaddictedtolinux 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Do people know for sure that consciousness emanates from the brain only?


i vary my IP randomly to try to be tracked less on the internet by ad companies.

when using duckduckgo, i notice my results of certain searches seem slightly correlated to the IP I use if there's anything that could be impacted by location.

this is also not just country specific, where duckduckgo is narrowing this down based on country

i am not sure if duckduckgo is passing on the IP or if somehow bing has partnered with data centers or ISPs to try to guess the IPs going into duckduckgo.

I also may be sensing this correlation and it's just random and not there. i could be wrong.

Does anyone else ever notice this or wonder about this?


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