So many great titles in the comments. I'll add a few of mine:
Jill of the Jungle
Heretic (Doom clone)
Stellar 7 (can't recall if shareware or if I just shared it)
"I am da Shaddo wahdiyah. Lessuh fight!"
RoTT WAS SO FUN! How about heretic, another Doom clone? The chicken weapon was a favorite of mine.
Long before
It also now is against the terms of service to use Firefox for illegal activity or to use it to watch porn.
I've seen this mentioned a few times in the past week, but I don't see anything about pornography in the ToS.
Can you link me a source?
That's my fault.
If you are using a debian flavor, you can likely add extrepo that searches a central repo of repositories and can add them as needed.
sudo apt update && sudo apt install extrepo -y
sudo extrepo enable librewolf
sudo apt update && sudo apt install librewolf -y
I was looking here: https://librewolf.net/
What is LibreWolf?
This project is a custom and independent version of Firefox, with the primary goals of privacy, security and user freedom.
LibreWolf is designed to increase protection against tracking and fingerprinting techniques, while also including a few security improvements. This is achieved through our privacy and security oriented settings and patches. LibreWolf also aims to remove all the telemetry, data collection and annoyances, as well as disabling anti-freedom features like DRM.
Its a sad day for sure, when the example of privacy and user respect just... Isn't anymore.