
joined 2 years ago
[–] s38b35M5 3 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago)
[–] s38b35M5 5 points 12 hours ago* (last edited 12 hours ago) (4 children)

So many great titles in the comments. I'll add a few of mine:

Jill of the Jungle
Heretic (Doom clone)
Stellar 7 (can't recall if shareware or if I just shared it)

[–] s38b35M5 2 points 12 hours ago

"I am da Shaddo wahdiyah. Lessuh fight!"

[–] s38b35M5 3 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

RoTT WAS SO FUN! How about heretic, another Doom clone? The chicken weapon was a favorite of mine.

[–] s38b35M5 5 points 12 hours ago (2 children)
[–] s38b35M5 1 points 1 day ago


[–] s38b35M5 2 points 2 days ago

It also now is against the terms of service to use Firefox for illegal activity or to use it to watch porn.

I've seen this mentioned a few times in the past week, but I don't see anything about pornography in the ToS.

Can you link me a source?

[–] s38b35M5 1 points 3 days ago
[–] s38b35M5 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

That's my fault.

[–] s38b35M5 2 points 3 days ago (4 children)

If you are using a debian flavor, you can likely add extrepo that searches a central repo of repositories and can add them as needed.

sudo apt update && sudo apt install extrepo -y

sudo extrepo enable librewolf

sudo apt update && sudo apt install librewolf -y
[–] s38b35M5 2 points 3 days ago (3 children)

I was looking here: https://librewolf.net/

What is LibreWolf?

This project is a custom and independent version of Firefox, with the primary goals of privacy, security and user freedom.

LibreWolf is designed to increase protection against tracking and fingerprinting techniques, while also including a few security improvements. This is achieved through our privacy and security oriented settings and patches. LibreWolf also aims to remove all the telemetry, data collection and annoyances, as well as disabling anti-freedom features like DRM.

[–] s38b35M5 12 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Its a sad day for sure, when the example of privacy and user respect just... Isn't anymore.


The answer to "what is Firefox?" on Mozilla's FAQ page about its browser used to read:

The Firefox Browser is the only major browser backed by a not-for-profit that doesn’t sell your personal data to advertisers while helping you protect your personal information.

Now it just says:

The Firefox Browser, the only major browser backed by a not-for-profit, helps you protect your personal information.

In other words, Mozilla is no longer willing to commit to not selling your personal data to advertisers.

A related change was also highlighted by mozilla.org commenter jkaelin, who linked direct to the source code for that FAQ page. To answer the question, "is Firefox free?" Moz used to say:

Yep! The Firefox Browser is free. Super free, actually. No hidden costs or anything. You don’t pay anything to use it, and we don’t sell your personal data.

Now it simply reads:

Yep! The Firefox Browser is free. Super free, actually. No hidden costs or anything. You don’t pay anything to use it.

Again, a pledge to not sell people's data has disappeared. Varma insisted this is the result of the fluid definition of “sell” in the context of data sharing and privacy.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by s38b35M5 to c/nostupidquestions

My GF is a ghost writer. The publisher has her write into files that are uploaded to a shared platform where editors and other creatives and execs tweak and move each chapter through several named states (represented by different folders), until it reaches "Final."

She gets paid per X words. Come the day before the deadline for payroll, they (sometimes, often its late) open up the payroll system, and she has to re-upload the Final chapter to a folder in that tracking system. Tonight (when they opened the system for her), she has to enter 130 chapters by 10am tomorrow.

It's not just moving a file. She has to download the Final chapter, select the text, copy/paste into the payroll tracking system, and then fix formatting that their silly system creates, like extra spaces, double quotes, etc. Each chapter can take minutes. These pasted chapters are then the final product. She has to stay up all night until its done, or she won't get paid on time.

I feel like she's being taken advantage of, doing admin work for free. This feels like someone else's job. Is this even compliant with labor laws? Is it legal to have her do 12hrs of gruelling repetitive labor to move her completed text like this? Her being paid is conditional on her entering this data.

I know hourly employees must be paid for hours worked, whether it was tracked or not, and tracking is an employer responsibility.

Edit: added more words


Georgia State Police officers stopped Amir Meshal, a professional truck driver, for a minor traffic infraction. During the stop, the officers received notice that Meshal was on the FBI’s No Fly List. Despite clear language on the notice instructing the officers not to detain Meshal based on his presence on the list, they handcuffed him and placed him in the back of a patrol car while they sought and waited for guidance from the FBI. While they waited, the officers searched the inside of Meshal’s truck and questioned him about his religion and his international travel. After determining that his truck was free of contraband and receiving the all-clear from the FBI, the officers released Meshal with a warning citation for the original infraction. He was detained for 91 minutes in total.

When [Officer] Janufka returned to the patrol car to tell Meshal that “narcotics- and explosives detecting canine teams were on their way,” Meshal asked “if he was being detained because he is on a watchlist.” Janufka responded, “Exactly. So, you know what’s going on?” Meshal then “explained that he had been detained in 2007 in Somalia by Kenyan authorities working with federal law enforcement agencies, and that he ended up on the No Fly List after refusing the FBI’s requests to work as an informant.” Janufka responded, “This is over my head. I’m getting instructions on what to do.”


The MRI machine’s magnetic force then allegedly sucked his rifle across the room, pinning it against the machine…An officer then allegedly pulled a sealed emergency release button that shut the MRI machine down, deactivating it, evaporating thousands of liters of helium gas and damaging the machine in the process. The officer then grabbed his rifle and left the room, leaving behind a magazine filled with bullets on the office floor, according to the lawsuit.

Despite the TARGET PREMISES’ legitimate business certification, OFFICER FRANCO, as a natural next step, contacted LAPD’s Gang and Narcotics Division Cannabis Support Unit. OFFICER FRANCO learned that the TARGET PREMISES, a medical diagnostic center, does not have a license to cultivate cannabis, a finding he promptly labeled a “violation of the California Health and Safety Code.”

Based on his 15 years as an LAPD officer and twelve hours of narcotics training, and based upon the presence of security cameras (typical of any reasonable commercial business), tinted windows (a reasonable practice for any medical facility concerned with patient privacy), high power usage (as any diagnostic facility), the alleged odor of cannabis plants (in a busy shopping plaza with no prior reports), the absence of a cultivation permit (which no diagnostic healthcare facility would possess), and the presence of two men wearing identical company branded shirts (unexpected of individuals involved in illegal cultivation), OFFICER FRANCO found probable cause for cannabis cultivation at the TARGET PREMISES.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by s38b35M5 to c/thepoliceproblem

The video makes it disturbingly clear that the kitchen floor, onto which Killian was ordering Ramirez and Gonzales to lie down, was covered by this point in their dogs’ blood.


If a dearth of officers results in higher crime rates, Phoenix residents need to remember cops walked away from the job because they didn’t want to do if it required respecting constitutional rights. And if the city has trouble attracting replacements, that says far more about the people attracted to law enforcement careers than the specifics of the job itself.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by s38b35M5 to c/voyagerapp

cross-posted from: https://reddthat.com/post/21412303

Water shed map of the Great Lakes

Edit: to be clear, I mean the original post. Thx for anyone checking


The Fortnite v30.20 patch has arrived, introducing a brand new mode called Reload. With a smaller map featuring classic locations and weapons, Reload is merging new and old to give players a fresh experience.

Below, you'll find everything you need to know about Fortnite's v30.20 update, including details of Reload mode and the unvaulted weapons returning to the loot pool.

Try a New Map in Fortnite Reload Mode

Starting with the v30.20 patch, a new experience called Fortnite Reload will be added to the game. This Squad-based mode features 40 players per match, with classic locations like Tilted Towers, and Retail Row returning on a new, smaller map.

Unlike regular Battle Royale matches, you'll automatically reboot when eliminated in Reload, as long as one of your teammates remains alive. Reboot timers start at 30 seconds, but this can be reduced if your remaining teammates eliminate other players.

There will also be a selection of classic weapons including the Revolver, the OG Heavy Shotgun, the Infantry Rifle, and the Rocket Launcher to add to your loadout in this new mode.

Fortnite Reload goes live on Saturday, June 22, 2024, at 2 PM ET.

Earn Free Rewards With Fortnite Reload Quests

To celebrate the arrival of Fortnite Reload, a new set of challenges has arrived. These introductory quests are designed to get you stuck into Reload mode, with each one offering 20,000 XP when finished.

There are also free rewards to unlock, including the Digital Dogfight Contrail for completing three quests, the Pool Cubes Wrap for completing six quests, and the Nana Bath Back Bling for completing nine quests. Score a Victory Royale in Fortnite Reloaded, and you'll get the Rezzbrella Glider.

More Weapons Have Been Unvaulted

Over in regular Battle Royale mode, Remote Explosives and the Heavy Impact Sniper Rifle have been added back to the loot pool.

You can purchase Remote Explosives from the NPCs Bravo Leader, Brite Raider, Drakon Steel Rider, and Vengeance Jones for 300 Gold Bars. You can purchase a Heavy Impact Sniper Rifle from the NPCs Artemis and Hope for 300 Gold Bars.

Jack Sparrow Arrives in Pirates of the Caribbean Crossover

The latest crossover to arrive in Fortnite as part of the v30.20 patch is Disney's popular movie franchise Pirates of the Caribbean. The **Cursed Sails Pass is available to purchase for 1,000 V-Bucks **and features a Captain Jack Sparrow skin as well as matching cosmetics.

Shortly after the Fortnite v30.20 patch went live, the Cursed Sails Pass was removed from the Item Shop. It's currently unclear when it will return.

Disable windows updates (self.nostupidquestions)
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by s38b35M5 to c/nostupidquestions

I haven't run windows since 2019. However I need to boot my old drive to grab some data. I really need to make sure this system doesn't update any windows components, but I'll need it to have internet access for a portion of the time.

On a different system, I used to have two reg keys that I would run to disable or enable updates when I found that disabling the services only worked until the watchdog would re enable them. Those resulted in updates saying something was wrong, which is perfect by me.

Now that web searches for stuff like this are all AI-gen'd SEO BS, can anyone tell me or point me to a reliable resource for truly disabling updates on Win 10?

PS - Bonus points if Anyone can link me to the page I used a few years back that had all sorts of privacy enhancing and telemetry disabling option on the left side and would create a reg file for applying those changes on the right. It might have been a purple theme, I forget.

Edit: it may also have been a "services" command that fully disabled services from CLI where the GUI says access denied. I forget.

Edit 2: I got the updates services disabled via registry. Thanks to those who refreshed my old Windows admin memory. I dumped Windows on my personal systems years ago, and haven't had to think about this for a while. It's a shame when the operating system changes to this model of SaaS where they call all the shots. I want security updates, but not bleeding edge drivers, candy crush, "feature enhancements", random unexpected reboots, etc. I miss when the update feature didn't assume nobody in the world could handle manual updates. You know, like sudo apt-get update.


"Pursuant to Ohio law, Plaintiffs drafted their amendment and summary, collected their one thousand qualified supporting signatures, and filed it with the Ohio Attorney General, David Yost. On at least six occasions, Yost declined to certify Plaintiffs’ summary."

Tellingly, the AG’s office invoked sovereign immunity as another option to escape this lawsuit and the proposed injunction. Sovereign immunity is one of several immunities the ballot measure hopes to eradicate. If the AG detected any irony when raising this immunity, it certainly didn’t stop him from invoking it.


Jong, currently a customer/technical training instructor on Apple's global developer relations/app review team, said that she only became aware of a stark pay disparity by chance.

"One day, I saw a W-2 left on the office printer," Jong said. "It belonged to my male colleague, who has the same job position. I noticed that he was being paid almost $10,000 more than me, even though we performed substantially similar work. This revelation made me feel terrible."


According to the complaint, several of Apple's policies favoring men have further entrenched the alleged pay gap. That includes Apple's performance evaluation system, which women suing alleged rewarded men in categories such as teamwork and leadership but "penalized" women for excelling in those areas.

Apple also seemingly has "a policy or practice of selecting individuals who have 'talent' and compensating those persons more highly than other employees." But neither Jong nor Salgado—although both have held various leadership roles—were ever designated as "talent" deserving of a pay increase, the lawsuit said. They've alleged that this Apple policy is biased against women, more often rewarding male "talent" while female talent goes unacknowledged.

"More men are identified as having talent," the complaint said.

Separately, Jong has also alleged that Apple subjected her to a hostile work environment after a senior member of her team, Blaine Weilert, sexually harassed her. After she complained, Apple investigated and Weilert reportedly admitted to touching her "in a sexually suggestive manner without her consent," the complaint said. Apple then disciplined Weilert but ultimately would not allow Jong to escape the hostile work environment, requiring that she work with Weilert on different projects. Apple later promoted Weilert.

As a result of Weilert's promotion, the complaint said that Apple placed Weilert in a desk "sitting adjacent" to Jong's in Apple’s offices. Following a request to move her desk, a manager allegedly "questioned" Jong's "willingness to perform her job and collaborate" with Weilert, advising that she be “professional, respectful, and collaborative,” rather than honoring her request for a non-hostile workplace.

As a result of Weilert's promotion, the complaint said that Apple placed Weilert in a desk "sitting adjacent" to Jong's in Apple’s offices. Following a request to move her desk, a manager allegedly "questioned" Jong's "willingness to perform her job and collaborate" with Weilert, advising that she be “professional, respectful, and collaborative,” rather than honoring her request for a non-hostile workplace.

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