
joined 2 years ago
[–] rowinxavier 26 points 3 days ago

True, but privacy conscious people tend to also be wary of concentrations of power in a platform, such as Reddit or Twitter. If you are aware of the issues with a closed system you tend to also be aware of privacy issues, security issues, state censorship, and so on, so the user base is more aware in the fediverse and if they are leaving for Reddit that really does say something. I won't be using their service, I feel very lucky to have found out about this before shifting as I was in the process of finding a stable email host and blending with the VPN seemed financially reasonable, guess I will stay with Mullvad and get a separate email provider.

[–] rowinxavier 1 points 5 days ago

Yeah, getting closer with fibre allows better speeds. Copper is susceptible to so many issues like corrosion, interference, water inundation, and signal degradation. Lasers down a fibre are way more stable, have far less drop off, are way more resistant to water ingress, and have the benefit of future proofing. We currently use the best lasers we can but laser technology is really early in it's development. Lasers from 50 years in the future should be able to use the same fibre without issue and pack many more bits per second with different frequencies of light, overlapping signals, better processing, more coherent light with less deviation, and so on.

I think it is like rail, you spend a fair bit putting in rail and you can run trains on it for 100s of years. Roads are fragile, rails are sturdy and solid, and while trains have changed a lot over the years moving from coal to diesel to electric, but the rail system itself is something you can use with all those trains to move more and more stuff more efficiently over time. Good infrastructure leads to good outcomes.

[–] rowinxavier 13 points 5 days ago

I never let my disability stop me. It stops me. I never let it but I don't have the capacity to stop it, so letting it is moot. If I have a bad day I simply cannot do certain things. It is not permission, it is not my will, it is not weakness, it is a disability.

[–] rowinxavier 5 points 5 days ago

Honestly chances are he was not all he appeared. Many people who are abusive appear nice at first then once they have power they start pushing boundaries and seeing what they can get away with. Once they get away with something they push the boundary a little further until years have passed and they can do whatever they want without consequence.

Add in narcissistic behaviours and someone can seem amazing, very kind and gentle, and wonderfully intelligent and capable while actually being none of those things. It is entirely possible he was conning the entire time, telling you stories of his life that were untrue, distorted, and extremely favourable to him.

Have a think about stories he has told you. See if you can find inconsistencies, places where facts don't line up. If he was telling the truth everything would line up well, but if it doesn't line up really well he was lying. If it lines up fairly well he may or may not have been lying but we can't know.

An example is my partner's mother was a narcissistic abuser who made some really obviously false claims. He said he was a geography teacher but it came out later he was working for a school but not teaching, he was the groundskeeper. This on it's own would not be enough to be sure he was a deceptive person but it became part of a pattern. He lied about money, he lied about achievements, he cheated, he abused the kids, and he became more and more violent over the years. Now he lives in a rural area as a real estate agent, using his charm to sell houses for more than they are worth. I guess he found his calling?

Dr Ramani has a great YouTube channel about narcissism and if your ex is not a narcissist then nothing there will sound familiar. Maybe give it a look.

[–] rowinxavier 3 points 5 days ago

I left at the same time. As a science minded person the phrase "Feminism ruins everything" is just such a low effort and absolutist statement that even if it were somewhat accurate it would betray a lack of serious consideration. On top of that, it isn't true. He makes all sorts of claims that are just not true and has no understanding of feminism beyond his echo chamber. He knows some stuff about chemistry, has done legit research such as on how the sodium water explosion happens, and yeah, in that area he knows his shit, but like many people he steps past his actual area of expertise without the humility required to learn about a new field without jumping to conclusions.

The world of feminism is deep and full of confronting ideas like how the low availability of emotional expression on boys leads to low emotional regulation in men, but Thunderf00t just goes with the lowest effort "Men are victims" line rather than seeing feminists agree with harms happening to men and want to fix those too.

[–] rowinxavier 1 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Australia, but regional, so not exactly near a capital city. People out here still use g wireless, though most are n or later, and plenty are using ac or ax. That said, we are in one of the few places that got full fibre to the home rather than fibre to the node so our internet speeds can be fairly OK, though you pay through the nose to get anything much better than adsl2 speeds. Honestly our government has been embarrassing over the last 15 years and they have done a lot of work to make us poorer and with less access to the internet.

We were going to have fibre to the home for all houses but our conservative government got in and ruined it, doing all sorts of cheaping out that made it way more expensive and less effective. We could have ditched copper lines entirely and had something future proof for at least 20 years but no, something something money, something something unlimited power.

I would love to see a turn towards future focussed governance but it seems to be unlikely right now. I mean in Germany they just voted nearly 20% for AfD and in the US they have the orange fascist and musk, so no hope there.

[–] rowinxavier 1 points 6 days ago (4 children)

Lol, yes, I have one down the street right now. Some people just don't ever update things that work.

[–] rowinxavier 1 points 6 days ago (6 children)

Yep, mostly my focus is not in state backed actors but script kiddies with limited understanding. If someone sees a WEP network down the road and my network with up to date encryption, no SSID broadcast, MAC white listing, and various other options to prevent external connections it makes the WEP network easier and a much better option.

If we are running from a bear I don't need to be faster than a bear, just faster than other people with me, lol.

[–] rowinxavier 2 points 1 week ago (8 children)

Mine runs Wireguard for the whole network along with being a basic media/file server. One USB port with a 2tb drive does a lot.

Also, for the password consider using a password manager so you can autofill, and also consider using a MAC address whitelist so you can be sure only intended devices can connect.

[–] rowinxavier 25 points 1 week ago

Something I do not see discussed enough in this context is the fact that whether or not Trump or any other potential asset is an actual knowing asset or not has no bearing on whether they act in the interests of the Russian government. If he does something in the interests of the Russian government it doesn't really make that much of a difference if he is doing it knowingly or not. The effect of his actions is the same, the only difference is how likely you think he is to do another thing in the interests of the Russian government.

If he weakens the western alliances, withdraws from NATO, creates economic chaos, and makes everyone poorer then the Russian government benefits. Regardless of the cause of his behaviours they are still damaging, he is still destroying the US government, he is still hurting all sorts of people, and he is still destroying the global economy.

Asset or useful idiot, he is still setting the world on fire.

[–] rowinxavier 2 points 1 week ago

I would recommend looking for sources that scratch that learning itch independently of your doctors and other staff. Podcasts are a great option and can really deepen and broaden your knowledge without requiring lucky exposure to patients with a given issue.

One podcast family is the group, shows like This Week in Virology, Immune, and This Week in Paracitism.

I would also recommend This Podcast Will Kill You, this one is really fun and has very good deep dives into awesome medical topics.

Once you have your own educational material you can make your decision with no specific tie to your workplace for getting your education.

[–] rowinxavier 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

How did you go? Any luck?


This study is talking about two groups, one with a target INR of 2.0-2.5 and the other with a target INR of 2.5-3.5. The higher dose is the current standard dose.

The outcomes were extremely close group to group and it looks like the Confidence Interval was greater than 1.5%, so the study was not adequately powered to have confidence of non inferiority. Is that interpretation correct? Obviously the difference in the groups was not large, but it reads to me that they couldn't be sure it was close enough to not be worse with the lower dose, therefore they can't eliminate the possibility that low dose treatment is more dangerous than current dose? If so, would they do another study or would that basically amount to p-hacking? Further thoughts are appreciated.

Bream meame (
submitted 5 months ago by rowinxavier to c/lemmyshitpost

So we're doing breams now?


My partner (36 XX) is two months in to very strict carnivore, eating exclusively beef mince and grass fed butter. Total intake is 1-1.5kg been mince and 200-300g butter per day. The only beverage is water or Powerade (sugar free, acesulfame K, sucralose).

Her ketones on a blood meter are consistently low, maxing out at 0.2 mmol/L today. She feels tired, fatigued, and has burning in muscles suggesting lactic acid being elevated.

Just looking to see if anyone has seen something similar and if so what the solution was? Thanks

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