Don't worry, they'll still have the West Bank to genocide after the ethnic cleansing of Gaza is complete.
Ah, right, of course the FAA is plopping unqualified people down in air traffic controller chairs to fulfill diversity goals, just like fits with Don's delusions. Except that isn't happening, ATC's have to undergo a rigorous physical and mental health check. There are plenty of other jobs in the FAA that this policy applies to.
Biden: puts Lina Kahn in charge of the FTC
Lina Kahn: Goes after monopoly behavior, non competes, etc
Trump: Promptly fires Lina Kahn, day one
Protonmail: Clearly Republicans are for the little guy!
The violent protests didn't do shit either, they just pissed off the rest of the citizenship. When protests turn to violence, all too often it's against the businesses that the peasants frequent.
I saw signs around Portland for a January 21 protest. From what I've heard, it was a lot smaller than what Portland saw in 2017. It's hard to read the tea leaves on why that is.
You mean like the raft of executive orders that Trump just signed that were directly out of Project 2025?
K-9 from Doctor Who
The context for that quote was a 2011 interview. The Obama administration was having trouble working with the Republicans because the Tea Party movement had gotten a lot of firebrands elected where working together with Democrats to effectively govern was unthinkable. The Republican House leadership since then has been weak, which has led to multiple government shutdowns.
Sternly worded letter? Ineffective bleating? Or maybe they'll escalate to expelling a diplomat or two.
The spice must flow at a cartel controlled trickle.
And some phones have some excellent cameras. I've taken some pretty decent shots with my phone camera, like this one of a squirrel eating pizza. Without carrying around a camera literally all the time, I never would have caught that shot.
Same with many of the abuses that we've seen caught on camera recently. There are some problems with videos that lack context, but authorities can't just act with impunity in their face and expect to not have a camera in their face.
I'm usually pretty good at being able to follow multiple threads of events at once, and even I'm getting overwhelmed. I've had to step away from the news somewhat, simply because I know there's only so much I can do at this point. Trump, Elon, and their minions are going on their romp around the federal government and the best anyone else can do is throw a few lawsuits at them.