
joined 2 years ago
[–] n3cr0 11 points 6 months ago

Just paste it in here and I count the characters for you.

[–] n3cr0 9 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (2 children)

No matter how hanky this setup is, the official YouTube app is jankier.

It pays the video creators

Then why are almost all of them on patreon and ask for a donation?

[–] n3cr0 11 points 6 months ago (1 children)

What annoyes me more that the doubters are the clinics which wanna force you doing a therapy. But all you were asking for is a diagnosis.

[–] n3cr0 56 points 6 months ago (5 children)

Neat try, drawing us back to reddit, but we refuse.

[–] n3cr0 6 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Ich kann mich über meinen JCase Grinder aus Aluminum, mit Keramikbeschichtung nur wenig beklagen. Für DynaVap ist der auch gut geeignet. Man sollte ihn beim Grinden aber auf den Kopf drehen, damit der Malgrad schön fein ist.

Mein nächstes Upgrade soll ein Edelstahl Grinder von Black Leaf werden. Besser geht's kaum.

[–] n3cr0 9 points 6 months ago (2 children)

I manage my entire life with Logseq. Syncing is done via github, since I have nothing to hide there. I would recommend setting up your own gitlab server instead.

[–] n3cr0 5 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I cleaned my windows yesterday. Now I can finally see the outside through them.

[–] n3cr0 23 points 6 months ago (10 children)

This 3rd party software company fucked up and M$oft get the pressure, so they act like they are responsible.

Even the customers fucked up by using a vital piece of software where they cannot test the updates before rollout.

[–] n3cr0 3 points 6 months ago

Das klingt nach einer Menge Arbeit.

Ich persönlich habe an beiden Varianten nichts auszusetzen. Ich bin für jede Info dankbar - solange ich die Sprache verstehe (Deutsch oder Englisch).

[–] n3cr0 18 points 6 months ago (2 children)

That's so accurate! And when you finally give in, you dial the number and hang up because you forgot all words and what's even the topic.

[–] n3cr0 9 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Discs mean too much hassle. I'd have to rip them all prior to storing the movies on my harddrives. Streaming subscriptions are convenient, but too limited and they don't offer the best quality. IMHO, a download option is the best of both worlds.

[–] n3cr0 9 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Not necessarily. My 2015 SEAT (for folks in the North America: That's basically Volkswagen) is one of the latest cars that do not completely fuck you over. TPMS is passive, so you don't need expensive sensors. You can also update the maps on your own (OK, here they pull you over if you don't know the simple trick). Parts are also cheap.

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