I'm interested! I thought both words derive from Latin prosequi/persequi and had essentially the same meaning as modern English. Which language do you speak?
Is that prosecuted or persecuted? Hmmm, actually both fit perfectly in your sentence
It's in the middle of a Russian winter so the central heating must have been belting out so much heat for the poor Colonel to open said window.
Umm, it's your immune system that detects the vaccine and responds to it by developing antibodies specific to the vaccine (and by extension to the actual disease). Just as it would when challenged in real life by the pathogen.
Vaccination basically gives your immune system a several day head start on producing antibodies.
Isn't the 'weave' the mop of hairsprayed fiber on top of Trump's head?
Depending on the location, but
- Often rain comes along for the ride on a warm front as it moves over the property (although cold fronts also carry rain)
- In winter, the rainclouds act as insulation and so rainy days are warmer than blue-sky days
This is the right answer. I had the job of planning a schema update to fix this shitty design.
Saying that, unicode and character formats are incredibly complex things that are not easily implemented. For example two strings in utf-8 can contain the same number of characters but be hugely different in size (up to 3-4x different!). It's well worth reading through some articles to get a feel of the important points.
They might not use genered pronouns, but they do a lot of referring to people as uncle/auntie/big sister/little brother and the like.
Take a human to make a human - it's just common sense.
Many years ago, my mother used the electric lawn mower without unspooling all the wire. When it finally shorted, all the plastic wire insulation was in the process of turning into a melty plastic soup. A Lesson Was Learned.
The reason isn't resistance - it's that the coiled wire makes an electromagnet that stores energy in the magnetic field. The alternating current in the mains switches 50 or 60 times a second. In each cycle the magnetic field is created, destroyed then recreated in the opposite direction, then destroyed. This dumps a lot of energy (and therefore heat) into the coil.
The counter:
The supreme court went and said that anything vaguely related to presidential duties can't be questioned by the court.
This is frighteningly close to President = King and tyranny.