And probably a virus or two.
joined 1 year ago
I was thinking the same thing. "I don't recognize the authority of this court as I am not a citizen of the state of Louisinana!"
You could start "selling" your car to a friend or family member just to get the rebate.
This guy just can't stop winning.
Man I'm old. This album was the first CD I ever owned. Listened to it constantly. I liked pretty much all the songs but it seemed like they ordered the songs by putting a good song between every great song.
I will always stop to watch this video.
It's super Ohio.
Man, they could make me the scapegoat for like $500,000. Such a savings.
What a wisecracker.
You know there are several people out there who are crazy enough to buy these things.
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You should saute onions and red bell peppers with spices like cumin, paprika, and chili powder and at that to the cooked oats. Even better if you saute a meat with it like kielbasa or sausage. Make it a savory oatmeal.
You can even go crazy and add an egg cooked over easy on the top. By far my favorite breakfast.