The United States is fucked if you get another pandemic, isn't it? They already did everything wrong on purpose last time but now it seems worse. It's as if they want to maximize death by preventable disease.
It's a start. At least ordinary people are leaving Twitter for another site in some capacity.
Fister of all THE CREAM
No joke, this is the game Yuji Naka wishes he could have made. What a disappointment Balan Wonderworld was. This just looks like the same concept executed better in every way.
Damn, that's some badass World of Warcraft armor.
Reddit won't die anytime soon. It will just become irrelevant to internet power users such as us. It would take an unfathomably massive fuck up to lose their critical mass of users.
Super Mario 64: Beyond the Cursed Mirror - Great 120 star ROM hack. It adds plenty of custom coded content and a Paper Mario-like badge system.
I'm glad they're taking it seriously. I was prepared to read about some MAGA militia shooting up a voter line.
The Russian asset says a lot of things.
It's surprisingly simple. If a Republican says it then it's good. No exceptions.
But not too tired to spend 5 minutes pretending to be a fast food worker or garbage truck driver.
It's really okay if not everything makes sense. Sometimes fiction is enhanced by a bit of fairytale magic that you just take for granted.