Are they going to need a much higher resolution display if this utilizes the Switch 2's screen?
initiative to withhold “billions of dollars in advertising revenue”
That's how he sees it, huh? He is entitled to your money by default, and you're the problem if you ever stop giving him money?
More like "I'm not going to answer your questions. Best I can do is give you new unjustifiable perspectives on old thoughts." One of the points of philosophy is to theorize on matters outside the domain of science.
I get it. Season 1 has a great focus on the Lanes and the council, while season 2 is cramming too many parallel perspectives into the same number of episodes.
The man who told advertisers to go fuck themselves is mad that advertisers left.
Surely he would appreciate this. As we all know, he cares deeply about fertility.
That makes sense. I agree.
It absolutely is not morally sound, but it clearly feels right to many. We regularly justify these attacks because such people seem to deserve any and all suffering for their values and misdeeds.
Context matters here. I think the joke is that this gender-swapped picture would really piss off Elon Musk in particular because he's so openly and proudly transphobic.
Is it morally wrong to not spend energy forming an opinion even when I have sufficient evidence? I don't think so. I am entitled to my thoughts, whatever they may be.
They wouldn't care about the hypocrisy. The Republican party generally isn't intellectually honest, and their supporters don't pressure them to be.