Debian with the wonder of containers! Of course for my laptop I'm just going to have to run something very modern but that's not really debians fault.
So, stuffed fables is very interesting, I am going to be researching that one and testing whether my daughter would be interested - some of the baddies are scary !
Zombie Teenz Evolution: Looks very interesting - never owned one of these permanently changing games.
Thanks, ordered it!
So, Hanabi, my wife is a competitive PhD in Pure Math, so yeah, thanks for the warning, and that one is shot into the sun :)
The Crew - Search for planet 9 I purchased as it was $13 NIB, so thanks! I hope it is fun.
Big and beautiful but a bit too on the rich side for now - I have added it to my 2nd hand search setup in the hopes it becomes available later.
Is this the Minecraft card game or the computer game? Computer game Minecraft seems super janky at times, it's net code is broken as heck, and I can't stand how monsters just randomly spawn and wander with no real plan. IMHO, of course and I hope everyone enjoying it has a blast.
I could not get a 0.6 to stop oozing and stringing with petg and pla. Just couldn't so switched back to 0.4. Dragon hot end w. Bowden tube after titan extruder.
My son likes MTG, sentinels (but gets distracted), chess.
My son and daughter like Monopoly deal and Uno.
Thanks for the info I've started researching your suggestions already.
Hello! What a way to start.
The older POP3 mail protocol downloads and deletes emails from the mailbox to your local program so if you can get next cloud's to use that as a mail source it will start to work the way you want.
I wonder if it's the particular blend? I was using PLA+ and PETG both from ESun.