Paradox of tolerance. Can't tolerate the intolerant if you want to stay tolerant. I've been looking into her a tad and ... yea, that's not just a minor disagreement about trans rights or anything.
The pattern is a sledge hammer to the face.
Oh. It's the onion. Didn't realize until well after deep into comments.
removed? Nazi? Neandertaler? Neoliberale? Neufundländer? Nacktschnecken? Niemand? Ohhh, das macht am meisten Sinn. No-one's never left Antarctica. Wir leben in einer antarktischen Weltsimulation der NASA.
How many fucking n-words are there?!
What do all those asterisk and numbers mean? I feel like I'm missing a key to decode that.
Edit: Damn, that little post lead to an actual TIL moment. I'm actually going to copy all your answers for future reference, since I enjoy etymology and get into contact with these symbols a lot. Thanks, everyone!
That feels like murder.
Everything is a slur. It's not about the word, it's about intention and usage. Everyone who is fine with idiot but gets karen-y at retard does not care about people of reduced intelligence but only about oppressing those around him and making himself feel superior.
Is everyone here just taking the piss or does strikethrough not get formatted at old.lemmy?