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founded 1 year ago

Yes, I'm the very same ~~moron~~ person who accidentally deleted his community, then had it restored by our excellent admin / site-runner a month or two ago. Yup!

Now for today's stupid-idiot complaint:

Around June 9th I found that I could no longer display images in comments & posts. The specific problem seemed to stem from some broken code that was being auto-added, namely:


IIRC my co-mod opened a thread on this stuff around a week ago." And... in the words of the kids? "Shizzle's still broke." I.e., the code still doesn't work, and still breaks every attempt to share images.

But sadly, there's more. Namely, it seems that communities are no longer showing up in one of the significant FV search engines, i.e. ""

For example, one of our biggest communities here on, i.e. "movies" is now totally missing from the results. So, (currently) every time people look for stuff on search engines like that, communities will be invisible to them.


I thought this was a boost issue, but even using's web site, when browsing to my Nikon subscription ([email protected]) I don't see any post. If I go to the same community from's own site, I can see recent posts: I noticed the same problem in other communities (but I thought the issue was my lemmy client). Can this be fixed?

submitted 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I used to regularly put images in comments by using ![](). Suddenly that does not work anymore, help!

It stopped working for me (and also another user) a few days ago. Until I post the comment it is fine but when I post it, the url of the image is getting automatically changed into a format that does not work.

Before posting it looks like this:


However, posting it changes the url into this (non working) url


I will post the same image as a comment in this thread from two different accounts to illustrate.

How did this suddenly change, I never had problems posting images in comments before?

What can I do to fix this? I like posting images in comments and would be very happy if I could go back to it?


I've observed two issues with certain type of images on

The first issue relates to external avatars, both user and community. In the Android app Connect they are no longer loading and just show a spinner. Only the avatars of users and communities on itself are loading. It doesn't occur on web. And when using my account in Connect, all external avatars do load correctly. I think this started after the upgrade to 0.19.4.

The second issue is with metadata image, the og:image a page declares. This isn't always shown on As an example a post I made with my account on a community. - Next to the title it just shows a generic external link icon. - Same post but now via shows the image that the target webpage defined as its og:image correctly.


cross-posted from:

“Failed to mark post as read” errors

I see this error almost every time I open the comments on a post.

My server is Does it not support the “mark as read” feature?


I get a big red error when I try to upload a profile pic. I tried PNG and JPGs made in different editors, and tried both Firefox and Chrome.

Screenshot of error, I can't seem to upload one of those here either lol:


Hi! So far I've been having a super great time with Lemmy, but I'm a little confused as to why I'm suddenly unable to upload images. I wanted to post an image in an image sharing thread, but whenever I clicked "upload image", I'd get a rotating circle thingy after selecting the picture file I wanted to upload, which would rotate for a few moments then stop, and nothing happened after that. I made sure the picture was under 100kb but no matter how many times I tried, the picture wouldn't upload and no error messages came up.

I went and tried to make an image post rather than an image comment, and a similar thing happened where it'd seem to be uploading and then when it stopped, it gave me an "unexpected token" "json" error, or an error about deadlines. I was previously able to upload pictures just fine as my submission history will show, and Googling didn't offer much insight. Weirdly enough, when I'm logged in the only posts I can see on my profile's post submission history is just my oldest one and none of the others. I can see all the other post submissions I've made when I log out and look at my profile though. Comments seem to be unaffected.

Everyone else in the image sharing thread seemed to be able to upload pictures directly to the thread, rather than just linking them, so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've only ever been using the same device (PC) and browser since creating my account. Thanks in advance! 😃


Thought I'd take some images, I've also noticed that the main Lemmy icon is broken too...

I've tried multiple browsers but the issue persists. There have been no changes to my internet connection.


Account is two months old, picture downscaled to 499kb.


So I had made a post regarding sorting posts not working, but I have noticed another issue where some communities just don't have some older posts. I have tried both on web and on android app, and it's the same, tweaked some settings too. A demo video (GIF) showcasing the problem and my account settings are attached in below Imgur link:


I've been having some federation issues today. Made two posts on [email protected] but they haven't shown up on other instances.


I've had this account for about a week or so now. but I still cannot upload any images. Granted I have not exactly used it all that much I don't know if that has anything to do with it?


Not trying to start anything, and if this is the wrong place to post about it I apologize, I'm not sure where else to broach the topic, but as a user I've noticed an enormous increase is moderator action today and I'm curious if there was some catalyst that the userbase should be aware of. Prior to today, the modlog shows only a few mod actions most days, and previous entire months can fit within one screenview. Furthermore, most of those actions were locking posts or removing and reprimanding specific offending comments. Yet today there is an entire wave of moderator actions, including such vague notes as "Troll Post" on meme posts with significant engagement.

I promise I'm not trying to start drama, I am just concerned as I love Lemmy and want to see it and the community thrive, and I am concerned about the same issues that plague Reddit could potentially find their way here.

That said, I also understand this isn't a democracy, so if the reply is simply "that's how it is," I guess I'm going to just shrug and accept it.


First of all, thanks Ella & crew for clearing up's recent image-hosting issues! 🤘

Unfortunately, I note that there are still several post images I uploaded here that went missing ~2 months ago and never did get restored. Some examples: [1], [2], [3].

Whatever. I'll just move them over to Imgur.

As a matter of fact, at this point I'd rather just host everything at Imgur so as not to burden LE with images, which can frankly get pretty big at times. But that's where I just now noticed a seemingly big problem with how LE processes image uploads:

  • I noticed that the original 95k community banner which I uploaded a long time ago was turned in to a significantly worse-quality WEBP file at around 250% the size of the original.

  • In my attempt today to completely move the banner over to Imgur, I uploaded a higher-quality link today, then noticed the same issues. Also, it seems the banner file got moved over to LE (against my intent) and bloated to ~440k for you folks. Not what I intended, and seemingly not good.

So to recount: whatever process is currently handling image uploads seems to be 1) needlessly re-saving them as less-efficient WEBP's, 2) reducing their overall quality, and 3) the software is forcing all logo & banner content to be hosted at the local instance rather than offering the choice of being hosted elsewhere.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I am having trouble uploading images to posts from my account. I tried doing the same from a backup account I have, and the images uploaded without issue. When I upload directly from the website, I get the error below:

{"data":{"error":"unknown","message":"Request error: error sending request for url ( error trying to connect: tcp connection error: deadline has elapsed"},"state":"success"}

This happens with any image I try to upload, including the screenshot I took of the error I transcribed above. Is there any way to resolve this so I can post images from this instance again?


They've run off somewhere the past few days I think, and I tried a hard refresh of the site on desktop with no change. Also looked via app and the lil' Lemmee's disappeared there as well.

It's nbd, but has had me wondering.


It is showing unread messages but I have no unread message.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I noticed a distinct lack of response to comments and looking at the threads from other instances shows that my comments aren't appearing outside of, and going to the link I shared shows there are 0 up-to-date instances with

This happened around the big update in December, too. Not sure what the cause is, but here's hoping it can be resolved soon!

*Dunno if this info would be helpful, but the last comment of mine that seems to have federated properly was from 07:15UTC, and the first comment that seems to be missing was from 14:15UTC. So something happened between then.


I'm trying to understand how post thumbnails work. It seems like other instances like will automatically pull relevant thumbnail images and store them locally:

thumbnails on

but for the same community on it doesn't:

no thumbnails on

No real problem if this isn't supported by, but I just want to confirm I'm not missing any settings on my end.


I know I can go to /instances to see a list of blocked instances but is there a log or something that lists why an instance was blocked?

For example is on the blocklist. I’ve never even heard of this instance and just picked this one from the list at random. When I go there it just seems like a tiny, run-of-the-mill instance. Not saying I don’t trust admins but I’m just curious.

I love this instance and am definitely not trying to create more work for anyone! I just didn’t know if this already existed or where to look.



I was in a community I moderate and, suddenly, I saw it was "deleted by the creator":

It's !biblia.

All the posts (2) vanished. Just happened.

I say suddenly because I don't know what happened. Probably I clicked on the trash can at the sidebar (that I didn't even see, had to confirm what is in the sidebar by going to another community);

no confirmation asked, I saw nothing. Strange that a misclick can operate this devastation.

I ask that to the admins that, if possible, the community !biblia shall be restored with the posts. Thanks a lot.


Hello everyone,

Basically title. I was just wondering if you were aware or if we should raise this.


I'm a mod of /c/conservative and we have a troublesome user who keeps making new accounts to evade our bans.

Please, IP ban him. I can give you the details.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've noticed a distinct degradation in speed on since the upgrade.

The website seems fine but any app appears to struggle with the site.

The only exception appears to be Voyager app and it may be that as a web app it doesn't appear to have the same problem.

Jerboa can't login, says can't connect to instance, this is not a specific v19 issue as I have an account on which is also running v19.0 and that logs in without issue.

Voyager struggles to load my profile.

I migrated here from fmhy and then after it appeared to be abandoned, I'd really not like to migrate again but it's starting look like that's the only option ;-(


Am I able to do this on lemmy?

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