
joined 1 year ago
[–] lightingnerd 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Solving this problem is easy, if A or D were correct, P = 0.5, if C or B were correct P = 0.25, since A and D require P = 0.25, and since C and B require P = 0 or 0.5 respectively, there is no correct solution that can be given, therefore the solution is "Undefined".

Anyway, have a good troll!

[–] lightingnerd 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Well, with Putin suddenly deciding to unveil his newest intercontinental dildos, I doubt even the orange rapey puffball could have stood against the urges of the military industrial complex. This is it folks, we're once again comparing explosive rage boners for sport, what fun!

Humans are interesting, a little disappointing, but interesting nonetheless...

[–] lightingnerd 1 points 1 year ago

Class, today we have learned that human steak is a healthy vegan option.

[–] lightingnerd 3 points 1 year ago
[–] lightingnerd 2 points 1 year ago

If I ever build another campaign, I am going to have a meta side story where the players are asked to save the GM from a dungeon filled with "shiny math rocks". They'll be like the inverse of a mimic: they'll be bright shiny primitive solids, and depending on a roll from the related dice, they'll change form into a monster as many times as they have sides, and the monsters will be ranked in increasing difficulty. If they save the GM successfully, everyone in the party will get a free pass to roll with advantage.

[–] lightingnerd 2 points 1 year ago

Destiny 2 as a F2P user has been surprisingly fun. Yeah, there are paywalls, but there's at-least 60-80 hours that you can play for free with how well the game is designed. Great group PvP and PvE challenges, public group PvE challenges, and over-all gorgeous modeling. Plus the combat mechanics aren't insanely hard to learn, but they can still provide a great challenge. I had my doubts because I've heard it was a microtransaction nightmare, but turns out it's not a pay-to-play scheme like Genshin. I might even buy the expansions and unlock the rest of the game.

[–] lightingnerd 3 points 1 year ago (2 children)

A better question to ask is if a person is made entirely of what they eat, and the person only ate vegan meals, then would that person's flesh not also be a vegan meal?

[–] lightingnerd 1 points 1 year ago

So, when we get our crowbar back? Yikes...

[–] lightingnerd 5 points 1 year ago

I juried a case regarding long term care, and I have to say that some businesses definitely treat their patients as numbers. While this is not what happened in the case I juried, I do know that in many states elderly care has gotten so bad that some clinics will intentionally misdiagnose and mistreat elderly patients for no other reason than to keep rooms filled.

[–] lightingnerd 1 points 1 year ago

On the other hand, I have heard people ask that question, answered yes, and then checked my receipt later to find out that I just handed $0.57 to round out the cashier's drawer.

[–] lightingnerd 4 points 1 year ago

This, many times over, this.

[–] lightingnerd 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

While I loathe to admit it, this is just how communities seem to behave. Just like bacterial or fungal colonies on agar, the centers die from waste and lack of resources while the edges expand, and unless some larger force displaces some of the members to another plate, the culture will expand until it dies. This is why many of us moved from Reddit and other social media sites, we sort-of sporulated and rode the air currents to another petri dish.

The reason this system is unique, is that unless someone successfully patents and demands money for the software itself (which would be a legal nightmare to do at this point, if I understand correctly), we can rinse and repeat this process if and whenever it becomes necessary. Should become too congested, underfunded, or take the path of commercial giants like Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter--anyone can run up another server for their small group and start cultivating a new community, or move to any of the other growing communities.

There will be content and connections lost along the way, sure, but that's just part of the impermanence of life, which in my opinion is part of the fun!

Edit, additionally: Believe it or not, some communities are self-limiting and find a harmonious way of existing within the ecosystem--like instances that focus on special-interest discussion groups that share a common theme.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by lightingnerd to c/[email protected]

Day 4 of growing Pleurotus ostreatus cultures from spore. Only one plate got contaminated, but it was bad. There are two contaminant fungi going to battle, and around three possible bacterial colonies. I must have been losing it at the end, haha! Can't wait to see how they progress!

Nyandy Beach (My OC) (
submitted 1 year ago by lightingnerd to c/music

Created this almost half a year ago while experimenting with some fm sounds. Been absent from producing for a little while, but I always come back, because I love storytelling with sounds!

This is mostly a hobby of mine, but I hope you enjoy!


From the left to the right (in the attached photo): two jars of Pleurotus ostreatus spores (now mycelium) growing in grain, two jars of P. ostreatus liquid culture cloned from agar, and two jars of Pleurotus pulmonarius liquid culture cloned from agar.

I also have five agar plates I inoculated with a different collection of P. ostreatus spores, but there's no visible growth yet--so I'll leave those out.

The P. pulmonarius was cloned from a fruiting body growing on a commercial grower's spent block that was salvaged from their waste pile. It's actually a pretty happy, and fast-growing variety. It seems that it hasn't reached senescence yet.

The P. ostreatus LC was cloned from a several-generations old sample that was initially from a liquid culture bought through amazon. It hasn't performed super well--which is why I've taken it to spore in two different experiments. I may end up disposing of this LC, but I'll probably store it in the fridge while I work on isolating some new strains from the spore experiments. Hopefully I'll win the P. ostreatus lottery...

All of this is just done in a simple Still Air Box, it's just a hobby for now. Some day I want to assemble a proper lab with a FFU/LFH, but that day is not today!

Anyone else culturing anything fun?

Torsion Hinge Box (
submitted 1 year ago by lightingnerd to c/3dprinting

I hope the 3D Printing community welcomes other CNC tools. This is a project I made on my custom-built laser table, utilizing "Living Hinges" aka "Torsion Lattice Hinges". They're a really neat mechanism that allows for a variety of different arrays or "lattices" of shapes that facilitate bending--and of-course these can also be created with an FDM printer as well!

This particular lattice is a simple design, cut into a 5mm plywood, and the divisions are all 2mm. Due to the length of the torsion pattern and the space between adjacent parts, the lattice featured in this box is actually quite flexible--it's capable of about 180 degrees rotation before risking damage, so for a beveled corner, it works quite well!

Another cool thing about these lattices is that they are essentially springs! My next project is going to implement a shorter lattice that instead of bending perpendicular to the lattice's plane, will act as a spring along the horizontal axis of the plane. The forces won't be torquing around the vertical columns of the lattice, but rather pressing those columns until the gaps close, so the torque will be along vectors perpendicular to the lattice plane near the thicker connecting regions.

Over all these are really useful designs, and due to the near infinite ways they can be designed, they can both deform in very unique ways, and also scatter light in very unique ways.

Hope this has inspired some of you to explore these really cool mechanisms in your own work; and if you have used these before, let me know in the comments!

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