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[–] latenightnoir 31 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (18 children)

Y'know, I had a moment of reflection while reading some of the impressions people had about Space Marine 2. Found one specifically praising it because "it has no wokeness."

I don't get it... I mean, this setting is clearly a dystopian sci-fi horror where pretty much everyone is either an asshole, or cannon fodder, right? What the hell does it matter what gender said characters identify as? Why would it matter if we had all types of Space Marines (yeah, yeah, lore, yadda-yadda, but c'mon...the Rubicon Primaris itself contradicts a whole lotta lore... it's 40k, its lore is as stable as melted cheese), or trans characters, or agender, or anything else?

It's one of those situations when one realises they like the same thing a lot of very unpleasant people like. And even though the reasons for liking said thing are diametrical opposites, it still leaves one with that sort of... icky feeling... Speaking personally, I almost feel guilty for loving 40k when seeing how a lot of assholes genuinely simp for Big E's Genocidal Utopia...

[–] latenightnoir 9 points 6 days ago

Ritualistic masturbation on top of a grave. The Greeks never disappoint, I swear!

[–] latenightnoir 13 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Wow, what a healthy relationship. Also, thank you!

[–] latenightnoir 11 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Which end of it, the putting cigarettes out, or the choking?

[–] latenightnoir 9 points 1 week ago

Oh, wow, this is an actual thing! Thank you kindly!

[–] latenightnoir 11 points 1 week ago
[–] latenightnoir 44 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (6 children)

According to what I managed to find, Bieber put out his cigarette on Post Malone, so Malone choked him.

[–] latenightnoir -1 points 1 week ago

I honestly have no idea what the ultimate machinations behind such a plan would be, I don't even believe that's necessarily the case, just something which strikes me as almost so ridiculously bad, that it has to be fake. Maybe I'm just an optimist, hell if I know...

But to give into flights of fancy, one of the reasons why I could see someone wanting to prolong a massive conflict (maybe even two!) would be to sell weapons and generally implements of war. Would track with past behaviour. I'm sure there are plenty of other imaginable economic and political reasons, but that's beyond speculation.

They did start selling weapons to any citizen who can enter a store, ask, and pay for one while there were no conflicts quite on this scale going on, which may or may not be just a coincidence. Again, haven't the foggiest and this is all in good... uuh... fun, I guess.

[–] latenightnoir 0 points 1 week ago

Now with even less life satisfaction?

[–] latenightnoir 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (2 children)

Y'know... If I were just a liiittle bit more paranoid, this would start looking like it's all planned out. Make the other guy so bad that people will basically have to choose between 'mild' genocide and a complete lunatic who wants to create a Theo-Fascistic Middle Ages kingdom.

I'm honestly not chipping into the debate, firstly because this particular moral quandary is a Kobayashi Maru type deal, secondly because I'm not American so it's not my place. Just random thoughts...

[–] latenightnoir 2 points 1 week ago

This was an almost creepy read, because you seem to have highlighted the very reason why I want out of IT and a desire I had swimming in the back of my mind for a while now!=))

Point one, it's because I feel that the time I invest in my work ends up nowhere - especially in QA and given the tendency to not do actual QA during dev time anymore because more profits.

Point two, my physical labour background actually stems from several years spent at the countryside and doing honest to goodness agriculture. I miss those activities, from managing a rural household, to sewing and reaping significant amounts of grain, corn and potatoes. It never fully left me, and especially in the past several years it's as though it started forming into a sort of desire. Maybe it's time to actually look into it.

Thank you so much for these insights, you helped me figure out a bit of myself!

[–] latenightnoir 6 points 1 week ago

Heeey, I genuinely forgot about this option! Thank you!

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