Especially this food. Like it is stupidly easy to make, esp now that air fryers are so common.
We had one already that took over the old children's museum space
Washing your hands won't stop this but it sure as heck will slow it down. Wash your hands A LOT
Proliant N40L. Find one with caddies, swap the CD drive out for a SSD on that connection and put four fat drives in and install Truenas (the BSD based one).Super cheap, low power, fast enough to stream from files stored there, and extremely quiet.
Also I've found some games that work fine in Wine under X11 and not in Wayland
Find the site where the guy debugged it, then he said it was an OK game. Not great but on par with most Atari games of the time.
Total Annihilation
Star Flight, 1986(?). Huge universe, multiple alien races, reputational, on two 360k floppy disks, and a great story too.
Bill Seiler! I still have a copy. Great game.
The entire plot of the Jack London story "The One Thousand Dozen" from The Faith of Men pivots on eggs being $1 apiece