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[–] just_another_person 1 points 38 minutes ago

Affected your user and not the system as a whole, yes.

If you want to be a hyper technical dick like the other person responded, the old way to refer to the term "userspace" is basically anything that doesn't affect the kernel, HOWEVER, it is now more commonly used to refer to specific local user settings, yes. The old reference was way before people starting writing things to be hyper-local to individual users, as things are arranged now.

[–] just_another_person 2 points 1 hour ago* (last edited 1 hour ago)

It doesn't have anything to do with the distro. With that many files, you're torturing the hell out of your disks, and your machine's memory. Depending on how the code is written, it depends on if this is a filesystem scan of the folders that are then imported to a local db which is looked up to go back and find the found files, or a simple approach which is to just scan the directory every time you go to open something.

I'd really think about properly organizing your files. If that's not an option, you can dig into the settings or code and find the hard limits set (probably for a good reason) on the number of files being scanned or imported.

[–] just_another_person 13 points 1 hour ago

Well, on one-hand, fuck this asshole, who cares?

On the other hand, if this isn't challenged, it will happen more and more, and to anyone for any reason.

[–] just_another_person 1 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

Don't they all make that claim?

[–] just_another_person 2 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

It's different because it mentions Table Tennis players. Now they just need more money to study regular Tennis, Chess and D&D players then a just BIT more for a comprehensive study. Should keep them in a job for 50 years or so.

[–] just_another_person 36 points 6 hours ago

This is going to sound like a joke, but I'm serious: I hope Michael J Fox tries this out and reports back some positive results.

This is a very simple treatment that is universally available, can be done at home, and at the very least is preventative. He is a huge public figure in the Parkinson's world, and any potential upside to him for this would be enough to get a lot of people to also get the same if they have a risk, or are early-stage.

The article doesn't go into if this can still help late-stage Patients, but it would track that it could at least stop symptom progression, being a simple vitamin deficiency and all. A more fully formed treatment could also include fecal transplants to replace aged or missing colonies of these gut bacteria if a late-stage progression means these colonies have just died off.

Sadly, since Parkinson's ultimately is about neuron damage or death, I don't think any of this is expected to repair any damage already done.

[–] just_another_person 12 points 7 hours ago (5 children)

What's the controversy?

[–] just_another_person 10 points 7 hours ago

Uhhhhhh, no. I think the context is the thing.

[–] just_another_person 2 points 7 hours ago

There are lots of BIOS options that impact USB devices, and especially input devices. I'd start digging. If anything, I'd try plugging into the USB ports that are connected to the main bridge at the top of the board, and not any that are extended via passthrough cable. On some boards, those USB ports are set to emulate PS2 serial.

[–] just_another_person 1 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

As you must know then, the President as a person has little to do with the actual policies being shipped around anyway. The majority of the work in the role is left to the people they surround themselves with.

Trump has a bunch of racist, classist, and fascist types hell bent on pushing their own agendas and taking us back 80 years to "the good old days".

Biden has sensible people working on actual policies and projects that are positively impacting the nation.

The choice should be fucking absolute and clear, regardless of the debate presence.

[–] just_another_person 8 points 8 hours ago (4 children)

Lol. Are YOU in touch with reality? Biden at least told facts, while Trump just straight lied and tried not look like he was completely useless (which he is). He did nothing during his time in office, and blames literally everyone else when confronted with that fact.

[–] just_another_person 6 points 8 hours ago

Of course he believes it. That's how Malignant Narcissism works.


A lot of people here seemed excited for these chips. It'll be very interesting to see the gaming performance as this could bring in an entire new segment of portable devices running Linux if powerful enough to deliver solid battery life and CPU performance.


Overall, probably a positive thing as the improvements made here will flow downstream. I'm actually looking forward to seeing the performance of these new Qualcomm chips in laptops.


Let me just give the simplest explanation of my intended outcome here: I want to use Assist to speak "Play {Album} by {Artist} in {Room name}", and have it "just work".

The Speech to text triggers aren't an issue, but the Intents are. Checking the built-in Intents has been of no use. The custom sentence docs only really handle the first part of the equation.

So say I want to work this out with a local NAS mount where everything is categorized as Artist/Album in the directory structure, does anyone have any pointers or links that may be helpful?


Tldr; Have tested multiple different Ryzen 7000 configurations on various kernels, and the power draw just seems really bad.

Been looking for a decent new laptop workstation that fits various tasks. Phoenix chips check a lot of the boxes that I want, but the power draw on Linux for these chips seems a bit...crazy.

The product docs say these chips are 35W-45W, but I figured that was just the range of maximums. What I'm seeing on fresh installs of various Debian variants is a CONSTANT power draw of at least 35W on the low end at all times. I've stepped kernel point releases from 6.0 to 6.6 to test out, and the later versions are definitely better at using a bit less power thanks to the amd_pstate_epp being included directly in the kernel, but this power draw is still there for the CPU package on idle.

A few different laptop models I've tested will only get 90 mins on battery because of this. I've now tried four different models from three different manufacturers, and all show the same type of power draw.

Is this just a "thing" with these chips? I understand they were modified from desktop to be a more mobile platform, but this is just terrible from an end-user perspective. I want the CPU and iGPU, and hell, even the FPGA XDNA thingie, but not when the machine can't run off of AC.

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