I love it, I mention how I saved so much from not buying meme phones that I bought a motorcycle.
If you want a hot take I was looking at the supercola borehole and everything turns to lava at 14 miles down. This leaves us with a very small livable zone on a massive lava ball. I propose the earth core is superheating and the real cause of the either real or perceived climate change bc a lot of data seems to be bullshit. I also propose we deal with pollution only as it solves climate change at the same time. Question is, do humans want to backtrack progress, live more in tune with nature, or are we going to keep doubling down and hoping for an actual green energy so we can live in some sort of dystopian future?
Leaning anyway is already an admittance that one must behave a certain way to be considered as apart of, creating a precedence of behavior they feel socially obliged to in a very simplistic give and keep format. Current state politics is ignorant and what makes me form these conclusions and compare them to cults.
Very cool thank you!
I'm open to rebuttable of why choosing a side of predisposed conclusions is not ignorant.
How does pointing out cult like behavior not help?
Maternity leave, heh, we don't even get paid enough to get off welfare.
I didn't have anything to do with it.