these children want to push the button so bad. it only takes once to turn everything upside down.
your response lends me to believe that you think i have mis-assessed your intentions ("doesn't stop at" "goes well beyond").
i have understood. i am telling you that i have been through all of it (25 years your senior), including the negative judgments from friends and family. and while i have certainly had some (few and far between) successes, i caution you that you will not find what you are looking for. and you may be risking more than you think.
good luck.
for much of my life, i have had a similar approach as yours. i have used many of the substances in this list and also many that you have not listed.
overall, i would say that the legal stuff is legal because it sucks. legal drugs are usually a shitty high, or difficult to consume properly, or of dubious benefit... simply not worth the expense nor the effort... nor the social isolation, nor the heartache.
i am not defending your friends' perspective. but i don't think you will find what you are looking for (i certainly didn't).
i find life so unsatisfying that if, when i die, the afterlife has any resemblance AT ALL to this current reality, i am going to be fucking pissed.
like, any version of occupying a physical body in some sort of 3-dimensional space and surrounded by other physical beings is just, so.... ugh.
i am over it.
i think it's incredible that the additional piano arrangement compliments the original so tightly that it sounds like it was there the whole time.
it takes real guts to attempt to make improvements to a classic album. Chilly Gonzalez clearly idolizes Hawtin in the best way.
i have decided to call in the morning and find out what their scheduling looks like for the next couple of months, and also what prescribing looks like if we want to go that route.
those two pieces of information, and also simply making contact, will help me get my mind right about it.
this is excellent advice. my immediate response to it is, of course, to cringe and shy away. but i admit that a bit of journaling would raise my confidence level a lot.
i feel this so much.
i have a referral on the table to begin sessions with a new therapist and have been putting off making the appointment because of the tedium of "getting it all out there" only to find out months from now that (for whatever reason) it was a wasted effort.
i honestly don't know what progress would look like. does it make sense for me to get my expectations in order before making the appointment?... or should i just jump in?
this is not a federal issue.
like, how can this EO have any effect on your local community softball league?
you are describing "chemical dependence".
addiction is more than that.
genuinely great answer. thanks.
well done. best philosophical/psychological post in the thread.