
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago

Both are gold, great reads.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 6 days ago

Its fine for legs, but dont put it anywhere near millions of nerve endings. Last time I looked it they were clear about not using it near genitals.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

not having to work until I die at my desk

Lol this guy thinks there is a chance he will die at his desk. I wish I could feel that optimism.

Chances are better that at best you will die in gig or part time job like Walmart. The most likely is in you kids house, really yours but you will give it to them, and without medical support beyond basic hospice.

Many of your peers and friends will die in homeless camps or from police violence.

[–] [email protected] 15 points 2 weeks ago

She killed it in the expanse so this makes me happy!

[–] [email protected] 13 points 2 weeks ago

Most of the time I just DIY for anything that's not massive, but when it comes to big projects like Roof/Foundation you listed Friends/Family/Neighbours I trust who have used them in the past.

Once I find a not shit contractor, I latch on to them and maintain that relationship.

[–] [email protected] 23 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Maybe she comes back even more powerful after being stuck down?

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 weeks ago

When I realized that what I want to do and enjoy in life has nothing to do with my career.

Work is work an and if you're lucky maybe you get a job with a good team for good company. Maybe your job is even social positive an the that's even better but it's still a job not a calling so perfect it's purely subjective.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 weeks ago

o sure, I could walk over and put in my admin password and do it all in the GUI. I cant think of any basic things that require terminal with modern DE's like KDE. I just use terminal for remote management because its simpler than trying to work at their desks.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago (2 children)

or, I can SSH from my computer in a different room, and do it with one CMD in terminal :)

[–] [email protected] 55 points 3 weeks ago (8 children)

Yes, but no...

For a basic user, who does not expect to be doing anything special beyond opening existing programs, or using programs downloaded from the package-manager its possible to never touch terminal.

I have two kids who daily drive Manjaro based light gaming PC's, they never touch the terminal, but they also dont administer their systems, I do.

I do use the terminal, frequently for updates, and some specialized tasks like minecraft mods which require unpacking files and sometimes fixing permissions.

So my TLDR, is that its possible to be a USER without touching the terminal, but I dont think its possible to be an administrator without.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Arm CEO ignores RISC of open CPU design.


I will never be done tweaking and adjusting things, but for now, this is how I want it.

I do wish I had more control over things like Discord and Steam. Some of the colors and things just dont fit well with the rest of the style but o well, cant make everything perfect.

Replacement tubes are only about $15 but why spend that when I can just print them!


Hey there fellow neck-beards and grey-beards!

I have a motherboard with USB3.1 and I need to down clock it so its always 5 Gbit/s and never faster.

Is there any way to do this, my DuckDuckGo Fu is not finding the right combination of words.

I use Arch BTW...

Just kidding im still running Manjaro.



Starting small:

  1. Finish RFP/Quote
  2. Call Retirement company
  3. Write yearly review follow up email

What do you want to get done today? Set a goal, maybe start small. Lets try to find ways to support each other.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/technology

For a while now I have been a Brother evangelist because they just worked, they did not lock you into first party only printing supplies, and they were overall a good value.

THEN: my printer firmware auto updated and suddenly my toner cartridges were no longer recognized. Its not that they ran out and I put in new ones, simply the ones that had previously worked (3rd party already) just stopped and it reported an error.

I managed to find a guide on downgrading the firmware, and now I am back up and running and auto update is turned off. I am also saving all the little chips from the Brother branded cartridges.

So Dear Brother Printers, Please choke on a bag of dicks. I spent $500ish on a laser color printer so I would not have to deal with the shitification that has happened to inkjet. Seeing hostile and profiteering consumer behavior from other printer companies you decided to copy them for short term gains.

Well I will no longer recommend your products, and I will go out of my way to fix and downgrade your older printers with the sole purposes of putting them back into use and costing you new sales.

1 down, 1 in the cue, feel free to stop being anti consumer and breaking hardware we already paid for.

URL referencing the last time I know they got caught messing with Firmwares:

Defed? (

Hey y'all. I'm not a huge fan of defederating other instances but I honestly don't know that hexbear is adding any value to our discussions. So far everything I have seen is trying to be edgy and gatekeeping with manipulative language. They also seem to enjoy stirring things up for entertainment.

So I pose the question is it worth it to stay federated to a seemingly bad faith instance for the few people who might understand and enjoy the lulz.

I would vote no but I'm open to the discussion.


Hey folks... Yes we all saw the drama, and yes Linus probably did not understand that the criticism was of their pace and methodology rather than on a single video.

BUT please down vote bad content, not because your mad at Linus, and more importantly if you are down-voting to protest, do it on Youtube!

This unofficial community (of like 3 people) is not affiliated, we are not beholden, we are fully independent and have no connection to LTT. Down voting here without adding to the discussion is as bad as posting YouTube video's without fixing the errors.


My 7 Year Old decided that their GMMK needed a key cap refresh, so we sat down pulled off all the old caps, and put on new ones out of my spare/surplus.

The old Keycaps:


The only real complaint I have had for my Keychron K4 has been the plastic case, so yesterday I decided NO MORE!

I took some aluminim stock plate I had left over from another unrelated project and trimmed it down, tapped and countersunk mounting holes, and give it a hand brushed look with some 80 grit sand paper.

So far it feels solid, and I love the diffuse reflections from the key illumination. Combining the open sandwich plate with low profile caps gives it a really cool "exploded" or raw look.

I also added some silicone rubber to some of the larger keys to tone the "ping" down and give them a heftier feel and sound.

I dont love the stock stabilizers that come with this board so they may be the next update. Switches and Firmware are already all custom.


Keychron K4v2, put some LSA Keychron Developer caps on it. Required a little modification to shave down the stabs but I like the look, now I just need to fix the sound since the reduced mass of the cap leaves some snap back ping on larger keys.


Thanks ADHD I really needed to go down the rabbit hole for a single actor and pull all the threads. I'm sure it won't have consequences.


So, never thought i would suggest a form of crypto or token, but it struck me that one of the best ways to help people pay for hosting services would be to create a de-centralized crypto token that when awarded to a user it is send on the back end to their instance.

If we put this token on some of the exchanges then people could pay with either real money by buying tokens and gifting/awarding them, or converting other crypto into Fediverse tokens.

We could even use the same blockchain to allow minting of one off or limited run tokens where users can create their own.

Would also be cool if awards attach to the profile and are federated, but with the ability to make tokens private by the user.

Just a thought, because someone wanted to give me gold for a post, and I linked to our donation page, but man it would be easy if they could have just purchased a token and sent it right then and there without having to go through all the different instance donation methods.

Sadly, I am not a programmer so hopefully this idea is worth a shit and one of you smart people takes it and runs.

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