Oh no.
Oh no.
Stupid is as stupid does.
The Blood on Satan’s Claw
Why? A nude Linda Hayden.
The guy next to Mister Rogers looks really familiar too.
If I worked at a restaurant I would take advantage of free espresso.
It was not like this back in the '90s. Games you purchased were on disk/disks.
You installed the game and played the fully completed game that did not require an online connection. You owned that game.
After the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 things changed. So it has not always been like this.
To everyone here.
I know most of you are fed up, exhausted and disgusted. The key is to never give up and roll over. Once you do this the idiots will have won and we we'll be permanently screwed. We had already gone through four years of Trump's Idiocracy. Four more years sucks but you need to keep fighting the good fight. We can get through this!
Bernie Sanders tried but did not get enough votes when he ran for president because the government paying for your healthcare is apparently bad for some reason.
Project Zombiod
Project Zomboid has been in early access for over 10 years. It was released into early access on Nov 8, 2013, and it's STILL not finished!
He kind of looks like Richard Jordan (Francis from Logan's Run).