I rewatched the first one last month and it has hold up surprisingly well, specially when compared with other comedies of the same era
and the very last episode was just an interview reviewing the best moments, not a bad episode per se, but not worth it of a series finale
no no no, that was just Apple being brave /s
bot problem has been largely fixed now, there are some random human cheaters still, but they tend to get banned fairly quickly
my business ethics professor was fired for sexually assaulting a student
it is best to switch to Linux so the webcam doesn't work even if you wanted to
(old joke I know)
shouldn't have spend all of your eloncoin on martian avocado toast
"but I don't have an accent" he said with a generalised American accent
Candidate Trump is best president for American Federation. Greetings from Arizona Oblast
my previous flatmate bought one of these digital menus used and it had a single DP input, he used a Chromecast and a box that extracted HDMI audio via TOSLINK and then a HDMI to DP converter for the panel. It worked great and it was a very cheap solution for the time.
akshually he fucked a glove stuck in the couch and technically speaking he fucked the glove and not the couch /s
same with quinoa, price went up so much that people started cultivating it outside of its native south America and then the price plummeted so bad that it caused financial devastation among farmers