I’m so sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine going through something like that.
You… you aren’t trying to imply Tourette Syndrome, right? Because that’s not how Tourette’s works, like, at all. I would know, because I have it.
In reality, we have a set of “tics”, which are just small noises or motions we make uncontrollably. Of course, for some people it’s more severe, but the worst I’ve ever heard about is that some people may yell out swear words as one of their tics. But In no circumstance would it ever cause someone to type out and post “I’m a nazi” or “I love hitler”.
Love Alec, he makes impeccable videos
There’s no fucking way this is real… is this actually the full quote? I really wanna believe it but I don’t wanna go around talking about this unless I’m sure it’s not just taken out of context… somehow.
Question… how does this post have -1 downvotes?
I don’t know any polish, but I’m gonna take a wild guess that this means something like “POLISH SPOTTED”
This is a reaalllyyy good side by side. At first I thought, okay, I guess I can kind of see the sharing the heart thingy people are talking about, but now it’s really fucking clear exactly what muskrat’s doing.
If there’s a hole there’s a goal…
Hey, just to drive some more social interaction, what’s your favorite color? Mine’s a mix of aqua and turquoise.
Okay, so could you clarify exactly what you meant in the first paragraph?