Not her name literally being Karen though
I actually think I get paid a decent wage at ~$35/hr (CAD) but the cost of living is just so goddamn high where I live that it's not quite enough to get me by comfortably. So really, if I were doing this job elsewhere then that's fine, my job's really not that hard. but realistically, because of the state of my province, I'd give them my 100% for 45. They seem pretty happy with the 75% I'm putting in now though (some days less).
Longer than 3-5 days I think
We just say "you know..." and then the other person will either say "yep/same" or "no I don't know" depending on the mood. And if the cat makes noise we'll also just say "I know buddy me too"
BLTs also have mayo, and preferably a hell of a lot of it. They are garbage without it.
I learned last year that you're supposed to floss BEFORE you brush. I have no idea why no one ever taught me that.
I'm not gonna click on that link because there's no way this is true. You can't fool me.
I'm still reeling over cemetery not being spelled cementary and it's been 20 years.
I LOVE the floor tbh but yeah maybe just like purple highlights on the cabinets instead of the entire thing. It's giving me circa 2005 decorating my sims 2 home.
I'm just as angry as the next guy but I'm not gonna shame my boomer mom for not being able to figure out pirating or how to stream things to her tv. Could barely get her to figure out her tv man.
Idk if this is an effective life hack but I've seen a few instances where just appealing makes things go away (whether they were warranted or not).
Just last week I had a friend appeal a ticket just because he didn't realize it was paid parking, they let him go as a first time incident.
My partner has appealed 3 tickets on separate occasions and gotten away pretty scot free (twice, a typo on the ticket and once the cop showed up to the appeal and told him to donate some money to charity in lieu of forcing him to pay the ticket). Most of the time it's more effort for them to fight you on it, so you might as well try ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Recently I watched an press event with a Canadian politician, who was switching between French and English as we must sometimes. He was talking about a bag of apples (which his colleague was holding) costing a stupid amount of money. He made the mistake of saying a bag of potatoes, which i found fucking hilarious as I speak both languages and understand the mistake. Unfortunately for him, the people criticising him were morons and were like WHY WOULD HE SAY POTATOES IS HE STUPID.