
joined 1 year ago
[–] foggenbooty 2 points 16 hours ago

I expect to see this soon as a way of combatting people who join one for a month or two, binge, then switch to another provider.

It might not come in the form of contracts at first, maybe they will just jack up the price of month to month high enough that people will voluntarily buy into a contract or yearly pre-purchase.

Trust me, there is always a way to make more money if you're OK with being anti-consumer. It's just a matter of time.

[–] foggenbooty 6 points 4 days ago

Maybe I'm gate keeping, but RFID technology is... old. Does this belong here?

[–] foggenbooty 3 points 1 week ago

Yup, but that is quite literally the name of the game in Silicon Valley.

[–] foggenbooty 9 points 2 weeks ago

Of course they could, this is a software limitation. However consumer friendliness is not in either companies interests. Apple prefers to keep total control over their ecosystems so they aren't going to do Google any favours, and Google likely doesn't care much either way seeing how long it's taken them to even attempt a similar network.

[–] foggenbooty 23 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

Kind of. From what I've heard each network will alert you if it always sees the same tracker from the other network, as a precaution against unwanted tracking / stalking. I don't believe it goes further than that though, as in the networks won't report back all the tags they see on a daily basis to help with location.

Any tag following you = alert

Tag from the other network seen = nothing

[–] foggenbooty 3 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Even those can have duds. My very first ultrawide was an LG, paid more money for it than any other monitor in my life because I've never had a montitor fail.

Died after 1.5 years and the warranty was only a year. I was so pissed.

[–] foggenbooty -1 points 3 weeks ago

I think it's important to recognize when someone holds a different opinion/conclusion and when they are repeating misinformation or have facts wrong.

I can't listen to Joe at all because he doesn't bring anything intellectually to thr table and prompts pseudoscience. Sam on the other hand is brilliant and tries hard to bring facts to the table. However, no one is "perfect" or will share all of our opinions/conclusions.

I for one am not onboard with Sam in regards to the Isreal/Palestine conflict, some if his opinions on guns, etc. But I still enjoy listening because even when those opinions clash with mine he lays out why he has that opinion and I can see he gave it some thought but has a different conclusion than me.

The only reason I write all this is to say that we shouldn't allow ourselves to blend misleading facts and differing opinions into one.

[–] foggenbooty 8 points 3 weeks ago

Bazzite has been designed to be an out of the box SteamOS distro. It's not based on Arch, so if that's what you're familiar with then that's not the same, but give it a try.

[–] foggenbooty 2 points 3 weeks ago

Ive been using Firefox on Android for years but it really needs some TLC. It doesn't support scaling to a tablet/desktop UI at all so it doesn't work well in DeX or anything larger than a phone. I also recently had to swap to Brave because I noticed Firefox was draining a lot of battery all of a sudden. There's some kind of leak or running process that isn't sleeping properly. In a few months I'll re-install and try again.

[–] foggenbooty 2 points 1 month ago

Absolute /s implied.

Want to know something really scary? I have a friend who's friend circle includes some crazy "conservatives" and he says the right is getting crazier and stronger by the day. You know how they ousted Kenny for not being right wing enough? Well they're planning against Daniel now because she won't make all vaccines illegal, outlaw abortion, etc.

This is just the tip of the iceberg here and Regressives are actively consuming what's left of the UCP. Fun times ahead.

[–] foggenbooty 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Thank you, I was about to click.

[–] foggenbooty 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Maybe, but she's not the Trudeau loving NDP! She's the kind of blowhard we can get behind!


Looking at the charging preferences of the Steam Deck, which from my research wants 45W at 15v/3A, it looks like the larger model should work just fine. And with it being $15 USD / $18 CAD this could be an incredible bargain.

It's so new though I can't find any info on it being used with a Steam Deck. I'll definitely be grabbing one to try, as it would be perfect for my USB hub that sits by the TV.

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