this post was submitted on 06 Jun 2024
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[–] foggenbooty -1 points 3 weeks ago

I think it's important to recognize when someone holds a different opinion/conclusion and when they are repeating misinformation or have facts wrong.

I can't listen to Joe at all because he doesn't bring anything intellectually to thr table and prompts pseudoscience. Sam on the other hand is brilliant and tries hard to bring facts to the table. However, no one is "perfect" or will share all of our opinions/conclusions.

I for one am not onboard with Sam in regards to the Isreal/Palestine conflict, some if his opinions on guns, etc. But I still enjoy listening because even when those opinions clash with mine he lays out why he has that opinion and I can see he gave it some thought but has a different conclusion than me.

The only reason I write all this is to say that we shouldn't allow ourselves to blend misleading facts and differing opinions into one.