Lemmywinks? Ona suluda epizoda o lemingu s početka serije.
Sporo ide i verovatno nikada neće dostići reddit brojeve, ali s druge strane ima šanse da bude drugačije od reddita, što je u nekim slučajevima možda i bolje. Lično, r/serbia mi i nije (bio) previše dobar community, mnogo trolovanja, cinizma i toksičnosti, koji je odvraćao dosta ljudi od češćeg postovanja (npr, mene). Ovde imamo šansu za mnogo pozitivniju, iako možda manju zajednicu. Za sada mi se sviđa, mada nas treba više.
Imaš revanced, radi ko zmaj kod mene na nerootovanom androidu. Samo im je dokumentacija takoreći nepostojeća, ali snaćićeš se.
Is the game playable? Might try it if so.
I too used Voss Kveik, since I don't yet have a reliable temp control and it's getting really hot, I didn't want to chance my luck even with fermentation under pressure.
Well, I don't have much experience on that, especially long term, but for a relatively fresh batch, the taste is great, even for a relatively hoppy beer (it's an APA). And throughout a few weeks, it hasn't changed. And it for sure won't last anywhere near 3 months.
I'm in the middle of drinking my first keg fermented beer, straight from the fermentor. I also used a spunding valve and had zero problems. Beyond spunding valve and a prv, some measures you can take are:
- leave lots of headspace
- get on the higher side of pressure, this will further lower the krausen
- you can get one of the 1.5 inch tri-clamp lids for a corny keg and fit it with an additional prv and/or spunding valve. I plan on eventually trying that.
That being said unless you overfill the corny keg, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I used 15 liters of wort and didn't have any issues even when I opened a prv and krausen quickly started rising. It still didn't blow out.
Ja već 7-8 godina furam Ubuntu, prvo sam samo za posao, onda za svaki dan. Razlog je popularnost i podrška zajednice. Inače mi se ne sviđa u poslednje vreme, ali ne mogu da nađem bolji kompromis. Na drugoj mašini imam endeavouros, samo jer je najbliži archu bez da moram da se cimam s instalacijom i podešavanjem. Probao sam i Manjaro, ali to mi nije dovoljno zrelo. Stalno nešto ne radi. Endeavour mi je za sad ok, možda konačno zamenim Ubuntu.
Bulgaria nervously sweating in the corner...
Onaj Balabanov što pravi filmove mi sad više deluje kao realnost nego kao karikatura.
Svaka čast na pisanju ovog teksta! Nadam se da će broj ljudi da se poveća. Ne verujem da će biti brzo biti blizu bredita, ali hej - bitniji je kvalitet nego kvantitet. Aj živeli!
Wow, 3nm, we're nearing Moore's law ceiling, what a time to be alive. 55% is impressive to me at least.