
joined 1 year ago
[–] fluxx 18 points 1 year ago (5 children)

Wow, 3nm, we're nearing Moore's law ceiling, what a time to be alive. 55% is impressive to me at least.

[–] fluxx 2 points 1 year ago

Lemmywinks? Ona suluda epizoda o lemingu s početka serije.

[–] fluxx 5 points 1 year ago

Sporo ide i verovatno nikada neće dostići reddit brojeve, ali s druge strane ima šanse da bude drugačije od reddita, što je u nekim slučajevima možda i bolje. Lično, r/serbia mi i nije (bio) previše dobar community, mnogo trolovanja, cinizma i toksičnosti, koji je odvraćao dosta ljudi od češćeg postovanja (npr, mene). Ovde imamo šansu za mnogo pozitivniju, iako možda manju zajednicu. Za sada mi se sviđa, mada nas treba više.

[–] fluxx 3 points 1 year ago

Imaš revanced, radi ko zmaj kod mene na nerootovanom androidu. Samo im je dokumentacija takoreći nepostojeća, ali snaćićeš se.

[–] fluxx 7 points 1 year ago (9 children)

Is the game playable? Might try it if so.

[–] fluxx 1 points 1 year ago

I too used Voss Kveik, since I don't yet have a reliable temp control and it's getting really hot, I didn't want to chance my luck even with fermentation under pressure.

[–] fluxx 3 points 1 year ago

Well, I don't have much experience on that, especially long term, but for a relatively fresh batch, the taste is great, even for a relatively hoppy beer (it's an APA). And throughout a few weeks, it hasn't changed. And it for sure won't last anywhere near 3 months.

[–] fluxx 4 points 1 year ago (5 children)

I'm in the middle of drinking my first keg fermented beer, straight from the fermentor. I also used a spunding valve and had zero problems. Beyond spunding valve and a prv, some measures you can take are:

  • leave lots of headspace
  • get on the higher side of pressure, this will further lower the krausen
  • you can get one of the 1.5 inch tri-clamp lids for a corny keg and fit it with an additional prv and/or spunding valve. I plan on eventually trying that.

That being said unless you overfill the corny keg, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I used 15 liters of wort and didn't have any issues even when I opened a prv and krausen quickly started rising. It still didn't blow out.

[–] fluxx 4 points 1 year ago

Ja već 7-8 godina furam Ubuntu, prvo sam samo za posao, onda za svaki dan. Razlog je popularnost i podrška zajednice. Inače mi se ne sviđa u poslednje vreme, ali ne mogu da nađem bolji kompromis. Na drugoj mašini imam endeavouros, samo jer je najbliži archu bez da moram da se cimam s instalacijom i podešavanjem. Probao sam i Manjaro, ali to mi nije dovoljno zrelo. Stalno nešto ne radi. Endeavour mi je za sad ok, možda konačno zamenim Ubuntu.

[–] fluxx 4 points 1 year ago

Bulgaria nervously sweating in the corner...

[–] fluxx 3 points 1 year ago

Onaj Balabanov što pravi filmove mi sad više deluje kao realnost nego kao karikatura.

[–] fluxx 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Svaka čast na pisanju ovog teksta! Nadam se da će broj ljudi da se poveća. Ne verujem da će biti brzo biti blizu bredita, ali hej - bitniji je kvalitet nego kvantitet. Aj živeli!

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