Something the Scooby gang could have prevented.
She didn't like the mouse for some reason, I could never get a straight answer as to why.
I bought my mother a laptop and she treated the touch pad like something that was to fragile to actually use. So she hardly used the computer because no matter how many times I showed her you could actually press it and move your finger across it and it wouldn't break and she kept asking me how to move around the desktop using the keys cause "I don't want to damage it". I finally got fed up one day and found myself tapping the touch pad really hard repeatedly while saying "See it won't break!!!!" She ended up giving the laptop away cause she was too afraid to break it.
I love how he wouldn't drop it, was polite but firm in his stance and 100% right at the time MTV ignored black music.
He won't cause he's too wrapped up in DC but I think James Gunn would make a good Bond movie.
my local hostnames are all David Bowie related. I have: outside (my laptop) blackstar (server 1) starman (server 2) heros (desktop1)
The 15ft tall 8,000 pound mouse was last seen rampaging in the downtown area. OK that's what I wanted the article to say.
Nestle - check out some of why Its Jame Bond level villainy
What about going the other way, we take up the metric system and coins for our 1 and 2 dollars instead of paper bills?
The phrase "We've lost our collective fucking minds" is starting to lose all meaning for me.
For Gnome there isn't an easy way to add programs to the application menu. And yes I know tools exist to do this but it should be easier. Other then that I'm pretty good with Linux. is just a guy building houses and doing iron work. Very cool.